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"No don't hurt him please!" Harry was having a nightmare yet again, sweat poured down his face as he was tossing and turning. The vision started to fade away as he shot up panting and looking around, he wasn't on the bench anymore? he was in a bed it was soft and it smelt nice. Harry didn't let them distract him as he froze in place not knowing what to do this wasn't his dorm, nor his own bed. As he was looking a familiar voice spoke "awake are we?" It was Blaise a  Slytherin who wasn't cruel unlike the others he actually cared about others. Harry gazed at him "before you ask this isn't my dorm, I was just told to bring you here out of the public because bloody hell how aggressive you was while shaking" Harry looked down embarrassed he was in Hogwarts he knew that and he was in a Slytherin's dorm not his.  Moments later the door slammed open and both heads turned and there was Draco looking annoyed but also relived Did he bring Harry in here? Doesn't he hate him?. Questions were running through his mind as he was just sat there staring at both Slytherins. "Blaise leave." Draco calmly said but in a firm way, he sat beside Harry just staring the green and grey eyes met the tension between them grew more the silence grew however the tension was growing and growing. Five minutes passed but it felt like hours they were looking at each other Harry wanted that moment to last forever he had always had a thing for Malfoy but he knew he wasn't allowed I mean how could anyone not want to date him Draco was a handsome boy, silver eyes, tall, amazing humour but his personality does not suit him his arrogance, selfishness just gets on his nerves but Harry was stupid enough to fall for his enemy that's not what he was like or was it? I mean the eye contact they both held with each other. Harry looked away still unsure on what is happening all he knew is that Draco Malfoy was standing in front of him. Nobody moved until they heard a familiar sound of a professor talking and it had to be Snape of course it did.

Draco panicked knowing if he was caught with Harry who knows what would happen next, Draco glared at Harry and gave him a warning to simply shut up. Moments passed and Snape strutted past he was only chasing a student yet again. Harry and Draco looked at each other. Malfoy  cut the silence when Snape went away for good. "You see what I go through to help you potter and I don't even get anything back this is why I fucking hate you." The words "I hate you" hit Harry like a bullet straight to the heart, but he has heard it so many times before.  Why did it hurt him now?  Harry just admired Draco while he was shouting at Harry for something else that happened between them which nobody will ever know apart from them both. What Draco would never admit is that he is jealous of Harry he always have been and Draco is sick of his name going around day and day out he always felt left out which made Draco hate him even more but Harry will never know this

Moments passed and Draco is still arguing with him. His voice bellowed you could probably hear him in the common room. Harry was frozen he didn't know how to respond to yelling in all honesty it scared him, but shouldn't he be used to it all he did grow up with abusers? Harry was soaking it all in trying  not to get to upset since he has experienced it all before. He hated to admit it but he was used to it and he didn't want to be but nothing could be helped. "Who in the right mind thought you would fit in at Hogwarts. Honestly you are useless here and after all you are just like us all you are nothing special."  Them words ran through Harry's mind but the strange thing is he didn't say anything or do anything because he believed Draco and nothing could change that. It fell quiet again and Draco was not pale anymore he was red his hands and his face was a deeper red and it just become awkward between them. "Get out." Harry hurried to his feet and quickly left and shut the door behind him. He didn't know the common room password he was he supposed to get out. Then someone hurried past him just a first year running out. Harry took this chance and sprinted out he just wanted to see his friends again he just wanted to be comforted  by Hermione's hugs and Ron being the goofy one but in a good way. 

He got to the Gryffindor common room and hurried in he was greeted by someone hugging him of course it was Hermione. He was glad. "There you are Harry" she was cut off by Harry breathing heavily and he was unable to keep his balance everything was spinning, dots were connecting. Ron quickly got a hold of Harry before he fell luckily he didn't they managed to get him on the sofa and lay him down. "Have you eaten?" Hermione asked in a very concerned tone. Harry managed to let out a "no". Hermione and Ron glanced at each other they knew exactly what to do. Ron hurried out while Hermione stayed with him holding his hand so he knew he was okay and safe. Harry desperately wanted to tell her about what happened between him and Draco but Harry didn't want him to get into trouble he cared to much so he stayed quiet and waited until Ron returned. If someone could read his mind then that would help but who could do anything Draco had everyone wrapped around his finger he gets everything he wants. On the other hand Harry is seen as the one to fix everyone's problems he fights in everyone's army at frontline but everyone ignores him. It is difficult but he can't do anything but to live with it. All Harry did now was lay down helplessly but at least his friends are with him to help him. That is all he needed really. The reason Harry couldn't hate Draco is because he thinks he has caught feelings, but why would he? Draco is horrible to him. No matter what Harry always saw 'Malfoy' as Draco. He treated him with respect. That will never change.

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