The boy who lived

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All the students got of the train, excitement filled there eyes as they saw a lake and boats and ahead of them there was the castle. Hogwarts the magical school that letters sent out by owls. Harry and Ron stuck together as always stuck together like a leeches stuck to someone. "This is bloody amazing" Ron said beaming at the castle which is impossible to miss. After admiring the castle they got on the boats they were stable enough to fit two people so of course Ron and Harry got in tointogether. "Is it strange my older siblings are in there 2nd year so they already have an experience" Ron said looking a little tense about it. Harry nodded unamused a boat went past them. Of course it was Draco thinking he was better than everyone. Little did people know Harry somewhat had mixed feelings towards him hatred, loving him, wanting to kill him. Harry snapped out of his thoughts by Ron nudging him. "Harry come on we are here we are at Hogwarts". All Harry could possibly care about is where these feelings for Draco have came from. Harry pulled himself out of his mind and quickly went after his best friend who left him. 

When he caught up to him Ron laughed. "You really think you are funny don't you" Ronald did not say anything and his smile dropped and rolled his eyes. Harry gave him an angry look. "Fine I won't bother asking" Ron sighed and turned Harry around they both looked up at the tall women in front of them. She shook her head at them both and looked at everyone. "Welcome to school Hogwarts school Witchcraft and Wizardry and looks like some are already excited" She said looking at Ron and Harry. "The sorting hat will be ready in a few minutes" she said leaving. 

Students were looking at them both, some were nervous some were excited some did not know how to react. Harry was looking around for answers his thoughts were like drums hitting his head repeatedly trying to figure answers out. He soon turned and saw Draco again. No No not again. Moments later she came back "The sorting hat is ready for you" she started to lead them into the great hall. It felt strange but amazing other students from other bloodlines such as pureblood, halfblood, muggleborn, mudblood and squib. There were candels floating on the roof, this confused most of the first years. Harry gazed what they were all walking towards. A stool with the same professor that greeted them at the steps was holding some sort of rusty looking old hat. There were other professors sat on the long wooden table. Harry glanced over and saw Hagrid who helped him escape his abusive house, who helped him get his stuff for Hogwarts they both smiled at each other. The hall fell quiet as McGonagall begin to talk. "Before you get sorted into your houses Professor Dumbledore would like to announce something important". Dumbledore was the headmaster of Hogwarts, he begin to speak as all attention was on him. "I must be clear that the forbidden forest is shut to all students because of an incident that happened" The students just nodded in agreement. He sat back down in his chair. Harry felt very uneasy someone was watching him. he turned and looked at Draco. He was in his own world. He looked at the Professors and aha he caught the dark haired professor with the long cape. He had a cold stare that sent chills down his spine. Harry felt a sharp pain go on his scar. "Are you alright Harry?" He looked at Ron and nodded "Never better". 

"Now when I call your name you must step up and get ready to be sorted into your houses which are Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and  Ravenclaw so lets begin." Harry was nervous his bloodline was all Gryffindor what happens if he got Slytherin? He knew that was the worst possible house to be in Hogwarts. They were evil, stuck up, stubborn, arrogant and most of all act like they own the place. Harry didn't want to judge a book by a cover but that's what he heard. "Can Susan Bones please come up forward" A young girl stepped up and sat on the stool. She smiled as the hat suddenly started to speak "I know what will fit you. Ah that's it" Everyone paused before the hat screamed "HUFFLEPUFF!". The Hufflepuff table stood up cheering there new house mate. Moments went by and next McGonagall shouted up "Draco Malfoy" A slight smirk shown on his face. "We all know what he is going to be in" Ron muttered to Harry. Harry hummed back to respond. Something was growing inside him as the hat barley touched Draco's hair already shouting "SLYTHERIN". As he swiftly got up and glanced at Harry for a moment smirking even more he sat down, the Slytherin table greeting him. As Harry could tell Draco loved the attention from others. "Hermione Granger" She called. "Mental that one I'm telling you" Ron said jokingly. She stepped up nervous that all eyes are on her. The hat was taking it's time to decide. When it shouted Gryffindor. The Gryffindor table screamed of happiness and greeted her. "Ron Weasley" Ron looked back at the front scared and shocked. He steadily walked up the stairs while slowly sitting down. The hat started to talk and he jumped it was amusing to Harry but not to Ron. When the hat shouted Gryffindor, a sigh of relief left his body he got up smiling and went to Harry. "Goodluck mate" Harry gave him that look of I am going to murder you so Ron quickly walked away. "Harry Potter". Whispers and Mumbles  were going around the hall like water flooding. Dumbledore looked at him as Harry stepped up and sat down and looked around his surroundings, he felt uneasy but he continued to pretend nothing scared him. 

Draco on the other hand was looking at him like a pot of Gold. In his head he was muttering for Harry to be in Slytherin. As the hat started to talk Draco wanted to get up and just bring him to the Slytherin house but at the same time he already hated him. I mean after all he was the chosen one. He was more popular then him. Draco sighed underneath his breath. He needed to find a way to hate Harry. The hat kept speaking "Hmm strange very strange there are two houses you belong in it is either Slytherin or Gryffindor" Harry closed his eyes and muttered "Not Slytherin, Not Slytherin". Meanwhile Draco was saying in his head "put him in Slytherin" he kept repeating that in his head praying that it would happen. "Not Slytherin Eh? Are you sure? Slytherin would lead you to greatness" Harry kept repeating himself "As you are so sure my choice is" Everyone was looking at him. "GRYFFINDOR" He beamed as he got up and ran to the table. He sat beside Ron as he was greeted with a hug. Draco was furious, but he kept it inside so nobody would ask. "Now that everyone is sorted may the feast begin" Food appeared on the table out of nowhere. Harry good already tell this was going to be a great year. he tucked into his food and smiled. This is going to be the start of a new great year.

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