Chapter 3

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When they arrived, everyone fell down. They looked around the small room. It kinda looks like a movie set! Beluga thought. Straight ahead and behind them, there were double doors (closed). On their left, there was a couch, table, lights, shelf, chairs, and a few pots. To the right, there were what look like school lockers, barrels, and more pots. Beside the doors, hanging on the wall, were shields, swords, and bows. A small box sat on the ground with what looked like wands.

"Careful everyone!" Help cautioned. "No four people can be on the pad at once!"

Bob, Jimin, Beluga, and Fear all noticed the orange-ish brown pad with a lock imprinted on.

"Why?" Bob asked.

"Because then it will transport us into the game and one person would be left behind," Help explained.

"Ah, ok," Bob replied.

Soon they were picking out weapons, being careful not to step on the lock pad. Bob took a sword and shield; Fear, a bow; Beluga, a wand and sword; Jimin, a wand and shield; and Help took the other bow and sword. (You could put things on your back if you wanted).

"Is everyone ready?" Help asked.

They all nodded and got ready.

"And away we go!" Help turned the dial, and they were once again traveling through realms.


They landed in a forest right outside of a big city. Everyone was relieved not be traveling anymore, but ready if they were attacked.

"I was just wondering," Fear said. "Do any of you know how we got to the White Space?"

"I have a theory," Help said quietly.

All eyes were on Help.

"I have heard of a man who would be more than happy to send anyone away. He is building an army, I suspect, to get rid of anyone who does not agree with him. I would think he is trying to pull armies out of other books or movies or real life. You know, "make the greatest army ever!" And that is where my theory stops. But I don't know why we are here."

Everyone was silent.

"So! Where should we go next?" Jimin asked.

"How about YouTube," Beluga suggested.

"That seems a little dangerous," Fear said quietly.

Beluga assured Fear and everyone else that going into YouTube was completely safe.

"Plus, we can protect ourselves with these wands and swords!" Beluga pointed out.

"If we have to," Fear reluctantly said.

"Well then! Off we go!" Help said.

Everyone gathered in a circle once more and sped off in a whirlwind of colors.


When they landed, everyone sorted out weapons, arms, legs, and where they were. A single door was at the end of what seemed like a very long hall. After walking a bit, Bob, Jimin, Fear, Beluga, and Help filed into the room beyond.

This room had more doors that led to more hallways with more doors. Like a labyrinth, Jimin thought. The doors were alphabetized by channel. Beluga led them into the Bs. At once, everyone saw the door marked "Beluga."

"Here's my channel! Do you want to have a look around?" Beluga wondered hopefully.

They waited a moment.

"If it's safe. I want everyone to be ready for unknown dangers," Help said.

Bob, Jimin, Fear, and Beluga did what Help said and walked into the room. This room was buzzing with activity. Funny looking bubble people were tapping on videos and disappearing. I wonder where they go, Help thought.

"How about we try one?" Beluga suggested.

"Can I go look for something?" Jimin asked.

"If one of us goes somewhere, we all go," Help explained.

"Okey," Jimin said and walked to the door. "Let's go."

Jimin walked down the hall for a bit until he found another door. They all noticed what channel it was.

"Shall we go in?" Jimin asked.

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