1. Time Travel? Cool!!!

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I was on my way home after being stuck late at work, picking up after the scientist I work for. I'm his lab assistant and he's a real big mess. He hated cleaning up after himself, so that's the real reason he hired me. I hate cleaning too, but I love science and things like that and it's the only way I can get close to it. It's not like I can be an actual scientists without any type of degree. I mean, I don't even have an elementary school education. The job doesn't pay much though, but it pays enough for me to own a small, tiny apartment for just myself which is perfectly fine. I only have myself anyways. As I kept walking down the street, I had a really weird feeling, like someone was watching me. I kept looking behind me to see if someone was there, but no one was. At the same time, though, I could hear footsteps nearby and smell the scent of someone who was definitely British. I don't know why, but my senses were telling me that. As I rounded the next corner, though, the person that's been following me was right there in front of me. He was a tall man in a trench coat, which is weird. Before I could do anything, he grabbed something and put it right in my face, flashing a bright light at me. As he shot me with the light, everything around me went black.

I could feel my brain and body waking up. It is hard to open my eyes, but slowly I worked towards it and around me I could see eight other people on the ground. They all started groaning as they woke up. I was already on my feet though stretching because my body was stiff from being passed out on the ground.

"Aah. What a headache!" a gruff looking dude with a green sweater asked near the end of the line of people. I was standing next to a guy in his early 20s who looked familiar. A lot of these people look familiar but my minds a little too groggy to figure them out.

"Stein?" the man next to the gruff dude asked. He was wearing a winter jacket which I found weird. Wait Stein? Ohh professor Stein one half of firestorm making the guy next to me Jefferson. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"I'm as ignorant as you, for once," Stein replied back as he started sitting up.
"Where are we?" the blond lady in a fur coat next to Stein asked. She also seems familiar, but I don't know who she is. I'll probably ask Barry and the gang later.
"Why don't you ask the dude who knocked us out and kidnapped us?" Jefferson asked as he looked around. "British dude with a flashy thing? Ring any bells?"

The mysterious guy then showed up dramatically, "The name's Rip Hunter." His voice is definitely British, so I was right. "I'm from East London. Oh, and the future." Or maybe from the psych ward.

Everyone then stood up from the ground staring at the dude who showed up out of nowhere.
"Nice to meet you, Rip," the gruff dude said as he reached for something on his belt.

"Uh, while you were incapacitated, I may have tampered with your weapon." I am my own weapon, though... "I've assembled you all because I need your help." He started walking down the line in front of us. "The future of the world is in peril because of a man by the name of Vandal Savage."
"That can't be," The weird birdman, who was next to the weird bird lady, said. "We destroyed him."
"Yeah, the Green Arrow and Flash helped us do it," Bird lady added. Wait now I know who they are Kendra and Carter, Barry told me about them.
"And therein lay the problem," Rip, or as I will call him Trench coat, looked towards the lovebirds. "Unless you or Mr. Hall deliver the death blow, Savage can be restored from but a single cell."
"What the hell are you talking about?" Gruff dude asked confused.

"Vandal is immortal. Kendra and I reincarnate," Carter explained.
"Yeah, I've done that," Blondie commented casually. Who the hell just says that like it's not a big deal?
"And what the hell does this Randall guy got to do with us?" Gruff questioned. He sounds even more pissed which is funny.
"Vandal. In the future, he will employ the evil he's perfected over his long life, and the power he has amassed throughout history, to finally conquer the world. I've been tasked with assembling an elite team to stop him," Trench coat told us as he kept pacing in front of us.
"How?" Kendra asked.
"To travel through time." Trench coat extended his arm out dramatically. He really is all about dramatics isn't he? "To capture Savage before he grows into the monster he becomes."
"You got the wrong guy," winter jacket dude said as he walked over to Trench coat. "'Hero' ain't on my resume." He began walking past him.
Gruff dude of course followed, guess they're partners. "Or mine."
"I know it's difficult for you to fathom, but where... when I'm from, the year 2166, you and everyone on this roof aren't just considered heroes... You're legends," Trench coat told us. He's lying though I could hear his heartbeat change.
"Legends?" the guy in the metal suit asked intrigued. Wait, I know him too, Ray Palmer also known as the Atom.
"I, um, I hate to nitpick, but doesn't a legend have to be dead?" Stein asked as he walked closer with Ray behind him.
"Yeah, see, uh, that's a deal breaker for me, so I'm gonna pass," Jefferson said as he stood next to Stein.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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