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I watched as Liza passed out. I ran over to check her pulse. Good, she was still alive, the twins would have killed me. I found an instruction manual for the train hidden next to her. Taking it i took out one of the assassins. Who knew binders made such good weapons? 

"Breaks, breaks. Where are you- Ha! I got it we're good!" I exclaimed running back to the control panel before my bad luck bit me in the ass as the binder flew out the open train door. I then noticed we started going on the wrong track. I quickly ran over to Liza and shielded her with my body

"Hold on!" I yelled

"We're on the wrong track!" Lemon yelled as we collided with another train. We got flung back from the collision and I could hear Liza start to groan. 

"Wake up Liza!" I yelled, crawling over to her. I checked her again and her pulse was still steady. Getting up I noticed the left-hand side of the panel was on fire. 

"Oi Joburg?" I turned over to lemon

"I'm sorry I shot you!" 

"Actually It was, like twice!" I yelled back. Lemon knocked one of the assassins out with the baseball bat he was holding

"What?" He asked

"You shot me twice!" I said again. I forgot about the fire for a second and I scrambled to find a fire extinguisher. One of the assassins broke in from the roof of the train. I used the fire extinguisher against him.

"I'm sorry I shot you twice!" Lemon said, correcting himself. I picked up the extinguisher once more and knocked the assassin out

"Thanks, man! that shows real growth." If Liza were awake, she would be rolling her eyes at me. I went back to try and put the fire out to no avail. Fuck this wasn't good at all. Turning around I saw one of the assassins get up behind Lemon. I took out the knife I stole from the wolf's body and got ready to throw it. My luck better turn around now or else I'm fucked. Gripping it tightly, I threw it and it hit him right in the head. I let out a breath as Lemon checked to see if he got hit instead. 

"Is Liza okay?" He asked. I turned over and saw her slowly start to wake up. 

"Yea looks like she's waking up." I turned over to Lemon and saw one of the white deaths assassins get up. Lemon then gave me one last look before barreling out of the train, taking the assassin with him. I looked out and saw them both land in the water. I hoped he was still alive. 

"Bug? Tang?" Liza groaned. 

"I'm here, don't worry. I don't know where Tangerine is but I'm sure he's ok." I said before looking down, I finally got eyes on the emergency break. Kneeling down next to Liza I tried to hot wire the breaks. There were too many chords to pay attention too

"Fuck it." I mutter before pulling all the wires at once, making the train come to a stop. I watched as we came crashing and derailing. I held on to Liza as tight as I could. We both ended up flying from car to car before the train came to a crashing halt. She started to groan and move around.

"Liza!" I heard Tangerine call out. I helped her up and we limped over to him. Liza tried to retain her consciousness as best as she could.

"Where's Lemon?" He asked. I explained what had happened and we both hoped he was still alive. 

"Oh god why do i hurt so fucking much?" Liza groaned as she was waking up again. I sat her down next to Tangerine and I. 

"Well, you got shot and passed out, love." Tangerine told her. She laid her head on his shoulder. The white death came walking over to us, sword in his shoulder and gun in hand.

"About your wife, i had nothing to do with it! It's a mistake, im not Carver" I said.

"He thought you were Carver this whole time?" Liza turned and asked me. I nodded

"Crazy right?" 

"The Carver! i wanted the Carver! I hired the Carver!" The white death exclaimed

"No, he had a stomach thing man. We were just filling in." I pointed to Liza and I. 

"Carvers a fucking dick" Liza muttered. 

"You're filling in?" The white death asked

"For what it's worth, Liza is right. Carver is a dick. The most cunning assassin? Maybe the laziest" I heard Liza laugh weakly at my comment. The white death pointed the gun at us and started firing. The gun was empty, thank god. He threw the gun to the side and pulled out another one.

"Aw cmon," I said as i was prepared to get a bullet in the head. The gun fired but the white Death was the only one who went down. The gun had backfired and shot him instead of me. I saw Yuichi and Kimura stumble out of the train

"Dude, did you guys see that?" I asked them. Kimura walked passed me and pulled his sword from his body and threw the blood at my shoes. I thought my luck was starting to turn. I looked back over to Liza and Tangerine. She turned out to be a good partner and I would work with her again but i think she's done. I don't blame her. 

"We gotta get her to a hospital, C'mon." I said as i helped Tangerine pick Liza up. She looked to weak to stand on her own. As we walked with Youichi and Kimura the sound of a gun was going off.

"What now?" I asked. It was the girl from the train

"It was my luck that delivered my father's corpse at my feet!" She exclaimed. 

"The narcissism on this chick" I muttered.   

"Now i am-" I cut her off

"Woah Woah! What is with this fucked up family?" I asked. I then started to suggest to her some reading to deal with her problems.

"Now i am the whi-" Soon a fruit truck ran her over mid-sentence. 

"Thank worked itself out" Liza laughed before groaning in pain. 

"Let's go, Love." Tangerine and her started to walk toward the truck that was being driven by...Lemon? 


I held on to Tangerine tightly as we limped over to the truck. I saw Lemons's head peak out from the driver's side window.

"Get in cmon!" Tangerine helped me up before getting in the truck himself.

"Thought we lost you again mate." Tangerine said, holding onto me tightly. 

"Liza is the only one you need to worry about right now." He said, motioning over to me. I looked down and saw I was starting to lose more blood than anticipated. 

"Fuck man. Step on the gas Lemon!" I yelled, pressing my hand against my wound. I was groaning in pain once more as Lemon was speeding to try and find a hospital. 

"I love you Tang." I whispered, holding onto his hand. I didn't know if this was going to be the last time I would tell him this.

"I love you too Liza." He said. I could see his eyes gloss over with tears. 

"Stay with me, Love." He said, holding me tight. 

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