Chapter 3

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(Y/n) POV-
I yawned as I sat up in bed. I rubbed my eyes and looked around my room. In the bed next to me was Herobrine. He was snoring and so I quietly stood up and walked into my kitchen. I cooked some steak. It was seasoned and thrown into the furnace. While that was happening, I was dressing for the day and brushing my (h/l) (h/c) hair.
I headed back out in the kitchen and took the steak out. It smelled delicious. My mouth began to water. I brought one to the now waking up Herobrine. He took it and ate it. I did too. It was good.
"How'd you sleep?"I asked.
"Good and you?"he asked back.
I went out into the living room and peeked out my window. I saw snow everywhere. I head outside only to be met by coldness. I'm front of me was a chest. I opened it and there was a sweater, winter coat and mittens. I slipped them on and later in the snow. It was so fun. It reminded me of when I was a kid,until my parents accident.
It happened when I was only about five. I was building a snowman when mom and dad were standing on the side of the cliff. They were enjoying the view. Then out of the corner of my eye was a flash and my parents stumbled. They fell back into the canyon. I rushed over to the side and saw them falling. I cried for them but all I heard was a loud thud.
I was upset and so I was to never see them again.
That was my story.
Herobrine met me outside. He had a trench coat on. It made him kind of cute. I blushed a little and smiled. He smiled back at me. He stood there.
I thought of an idea. I quickly made a snow ball and threw it at him. It hit him in the back of the head. I gasped.
He turned smirking. "So you wanna play that game huh? Well two can play at that!" He made a snowball and it hit me in the chest.
I made another and hit him again. He threw one in return. We were playing in the snow.
-Herobrine pov-
I hadn't had this much fun in years. I felt like a kid again. It made me smile when I was throwing snowballs at (y/n). It was fun. I noticed her making a snow fort. I had to do the same. I was protected by a wall of snow. We pressed on for about another half hour before three boys walked up and started bullying (y/n).
(Y/n) pov-
I saw them. Jonas, Gabe and Dan. They looked at me and started to harass me. "Oh look! She's playing in the snow like a child!"Jonas said.
"Loser," Gabe laughed.
Dan grabbed the collar of my jacket. He took snow and shoved it into my mouth. I couldn't breath. I struggled but I was like a helpless puppy to them. "Look she's eating snow." Gabe pointed out.
"Iew. Ground licker!"Jonas said.
I spit the snow in Dan's face. He let go of me and whipped his face clean. I watched him come closer. He began to strangle me. I called for Herobrine in my thoughts. He answered. He came out and held a diamond sword.
"Let her go,"he said.
"What are you gonna do about it?"Jonas asked rudely. Oh he shouldve done that.
Herobrine's eyes began to glow redder then ever. Dan starred terrified at him. "Guys its Herobrine."
The others pulled iron swords out. They attacked only to be sliced in half. Dan dropped me in the snow and ran off. I gasped for air. I tried to stand but I fell back down. Herobrine knelt down beside me and held me bridal style. He carried me inside.
-Herobrines POV-
I layed (y/n) down on my lap. She was in bad condition. I stroked her hair and sighed. I needed to find Dan before tells my stupid brother Notch. I'll look for him tonight. I will make sure he is dead. Hehehe.

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