Chapter 6

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The house was covered in snow. We were blocked in. Well Herobrine could teleport so I was stuck. However, we did mange to clear some of the snow. It took a back achin' three hours. My back was pretty sore.
"Man my back hurts," I said, stretching it out.
"Sorry to hear that," Herobrine said.
I walked over to the tree and ripped a branch off. I used it as a staff to help me walk better. Herobrine laughed at the idea. "A staff, really?"
"Yeah my back hurts," I said. I sat down quietly.
"Sorry,(y/n)," he said.
I rested a few minutes before returning too work. Herobrine was busy when the mail man stopped by. He walked up to me. "Excuse me, miss, but are you (y/n)?"
"Yes," I said.
"This is for you," he said, handing me a letter.
I opened it and read the note.
Miss (y/n),
This is David. I'm sorry about the other day. Um, if you could stop by tonight then that would be amazing. And bring Herobrine too. I would have somebody here for him. If you do stop by, then meet me by the Grand Oak at sundown. Sorry, for last minute meeting.
"What's the letter for?" Herobrine asked.
"We have to meet David tonight by the Grand Oak," I said.
"That kid," Herobrine said in a disgusted tone.
"Well I'm gonna wash up," I said.
-time skip to sundown-
I waited for David. He was taking forever. Herobrine was growing impatient.
Finally, David arrived. He smiled elegantly. "Hello,(y/n), Herobrine. I'm sorry about the other day." He sighed.
"I'll forgive you this time but the next time you're dead," I said.
"Okay, oh and Notch is here,"he said.
Notch walked up in his trench coat. He glarred at Herobrine. "So you killed those kids?"
"Yes and you're not the boss of me, brother!"snarled Herobrine.
"Of course I am!"Notch said. "You will be banished to the Nether."
"I already was," Herobrine growled."And I'm not going back without something."
Notch looked at me. "You aren't taking (y/n)."
"I will! She's mine!" Herobrine hissed.
I stood beside David. He watched in fear like me. I shivered.
"You will go to the nether. Without her," Notch said, angrily.
"You're a pathetic fool! You don't tell me, Herobrine, what to do!" He pulled his sword out. Notch did the same.
They circled each other. Notch was the first to strike. He slashed Herobrine's side. He let out a growl of pain. Herobrine stood up and stabbed Notch in the stomach. He held his stomach and threw his sword at Herobrine's chest. Finally, he fell limply. He shook then disappeared saying,"I'll be back. And I'll have my revenge."
I stood there shocked. Notch glared at the empty space. "Stubborn fool," he muttered. He looked up at me. "Sorry you had to see that. You should go home now. I'll take you."
He teleported me home. "Thanks," I said quietly.
Notch nodded. "I'll check up on you in a few days."
I nodded and he teleported away. I was alone again.

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