Chapter 7

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-time skip a few days-
The house was lonely. I missed Herobrine so much. I wanted to see him. I couldn't live without him.
I paced the house a lot. I had memories running in and put of my head. It was annoying.
Outside, I heard a knock at my door. It was David. "Hello?" I said.
"Hi,(y/n), um I was wondering if you wanted to hang out." He smiled.
"Sure," I said,"come in."
He sat on the left side of the couch. That was where Hero used to sit. "So how have you been?"
"Dreadful," I said.
"Sorry," he said.
"Will you please stop apologizing? It wasn't your fault," I said.
" Sor- Yes."
I walked around in the kitchen. 'I have an idea!' I thought.'I can build a nether portal. I have the stuff.'
After David left, I got the materials for a nether portal. I built it in the forest and lot it. I opened the portal. I decided to enter.
I saw ghasts and pigmen. They watched me walk towards the nether fortress. I decided to call Herobrine's name."Herobrine!" I called."Herobrine, where are you?!"
"Go away," I heard him. He was standing at the window. "Go away! Now!"
"Herobrine, its me,(y/n)! Remember?"
"I don't care! Go away!" He starred at me. "Go before I kill you!"
"But Hero," I said, as he took out his sword.
I looked at him. Tears filled my eyes. "Fine! Be that way! You are a big jerk! I thought I loved you!"
He dropped his sword. "Who would love me? I'm a monstrous killer!"
"Not to me," I growl. "You were special to me. But no! You tell me to leave when I came to rescue you! You're a shame!" I turn to leave.
"Wait!"he said.
"Too late," I said. "I'm leaving."
He teleported near me."I'm sorry."
"Leave me be," I said as I made it through the portal.
-Notch's pov-
I smiled as (y/n) laft the nether. Now Herobrine doesn't have a girlfriend. He'd just made her angry. It was funny.
Now all I have to do is tell lies about him. She will fall for me. I will.
To be continued..
Authors note: I hope you enjoyed book one. Sorry if its short but I want to make this as interesting as possible. So please tell me what you want to happen in the next one. I will be holding a contest for ideas. This will end Wednsday, June 3rd. May the contest be on!

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