Chapter 1

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The lost boys had a hole missing in their lives after dwayne's sister was taken by vampire hunters, max had forbidden them from going after the hunters. He sees the boys as his sons so he was gonna lose them as well as losing Enola who he saw as a daughter, something in the air tonight felt different nun of them Could explain it not even the Emerson's understood it. They became vampires after max and Lucy official became a thing and ended up getting married, there was still slight tension between mainly the lost boys and Sam and Michael after the events of last year. Thankfully sam was able to warn them about the frog brothers before anything happened and they chased them out of santa Carla "okay boys please just make sure you keep an eye out, we all feel the difference in the air" max says to sam and Michael before they went out.

The boys both nodded before heading out and meet up the others on the boardwalk, meanwhile a group of females were getting ready to head out in an old motel "okay we'll have one more feed together" the leader of the small group says. The group consisted of four older girls and a younger one that they have saved and help her get back to full health which took just about a year "yea and I can't thank you all enough again" she says grateful, name was enola and she was actually originally part of the coven that lives in santa Carla but she ended up getting rescued by these four rouge vampires. The story of the four rouges taking down an entire hunter clan spread like wild fire so every coven wanted to find them but these girls made themselves a promise. The only coven they'll ever join is one with their mates, back on the boredwalk the lost boys were walking about messing with people as just as they walked out of max's video store four bikes came riding past. They got a wired feeling the follow them so they did just that and see the five females park up and they head towards the rides, one scent out of the four was one they knew instantly and all looked at dwayne "enola's alive" he says and walked the direction of the girls with the others following.

They hear someone begging to be let go in a pretty secluded area "I don't think so, you see you messed with our friend and that's not something we just let go" a voice that sounded so heavenly to David says and the boys almost yelled out with shock wd the four girls became vampires and sucked out all the guys blood. They were sure the mind link this information to max as they see the girls dump the body into the after "there we go, so tomorrow we'll take you back to your family like we promised" another other of the girls says putting her amr playfully around the younger one who simply smiled. As the girls walked past each boy got a strange scent, it's not the vampire scent but it was something else that they didn't understand so they went back go the video store to ask max about it who simply smiled "well boys it seems liked you've found your mates" he says and the boys each smile and for the first time in a year dwayne had a true smile on his face.

(Enola belongs to XxTallythebanishedxx)

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