Reasons 201-300

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201.) the dude that busted his coworker's head open because she rejected him (she had a boyfriend) (he knew this)

202.) the dude that cheated on his girlfriend with her best friend of fifteen (15) years (they got together while she was suffering from a major depressive episode)

203.) the dude that would spend all his time with his sons and never spend time with his daughter because her interests "bored him"

204.) the dude who complained about his wife coming with him to a family vacation to his mother, then got mad at his wife for overhearing the conversation and going home (she cooked, cleaned, and watched the kids the entire vacation) (his brother's spouses were allowed on the trip but she wasn't)

205.) the dude that took his wife and step children on a trip to Paris and excluded his (biological) daughter

206.) the dude that would steal his daughter's clothes and sell them online

207.) the dude that excluded his wife from his family dinner that he knew she would be attending (he didn't even save her a seat) then yelled at her for "embarrassing him and his mother"

208.) the dude that pulled his pregnant sister aside at her HUSBAND'S funeral to tell her (indirectly) to abort her son because it's "hard for men to date single/widowed mothers" because they "have too much baggage"

209.) the dude that would only do things his wife would ask him to do if she would have s*x with him after

210.) the dude that left his wife and five (5) children homeless, and left her to die in a hospital while he f*cked the neighbor

211.) the dude that cheated on his girlfriend while she was in labor with his manager in their bed and didn't come back to the hospital to see his son after he was born (he also ignored all her calls the whole time she was in the hospital)

212.) the dude that told his girlfriend that she "lied to him" and "mislead him" because she wore makeup and wanted to break up with her because of it

213.) the dude that waited two (2) days before he and his fiancée were supposed to get married to tell her he "couldn't be happy if he didn't have children" and call off the wedding (she couldn't have children)

214.) the dude that asked his wife why she was "being so mean to him" (while she was giving birth), asked the nurse for pillows and blankets (for himself) (while his wife was giving birth), complained about his legs being cold, (while his wife was giving birth), called his wife's sister to bring him warm pants (while his wife was giving birth), complained that the hospital didn't have a recliner for him, (his wife was giving birth), complained about being hungry and tired, (his wife was in labor for two (2) days and had nothing to eat), told his wife "if the nurse slapped you right now, i would understand why" (she was in pain(cuz she was giving birth)), left to answer his phone when she started pushing, (a baby out of her) shamed his wife for getting an epidural (to help with the pain from giving birth) (his daughter had to be rushed to the NICU) (his wife has no pictures with their daughter because they're all of him in the bed hold her) AND STILL HAD THE AUDACITY TO ASK HER TO HAVE ANOTHER CHILD (he then called her selfish for not wanting to do so)(then he listened to her therapy sessions through the door instead of giving her privacy) (THEN he gaslit her by telling her she doesn't remember that day correctly and that she needs help)

215.) the dude that got mad at his fiancée for getting in the shower before him when he got home from work and starting dinner thirty (30) minutes later then usual (she was resting because she gets frequent headaches), then told her she "doesn't have a right to be tired" (she works two (2) jobs, takes care of him, her son, and their dog, and did all the cooking cleaning & other housework)

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