Reasons 301-400

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301.) the dude that bought his girlfriend a dress and tried to get her to style her hair to make her look like an instagram model he followed

302.) the dude that got his girlfriend's (nineteen (19) year old) sister pregnant because she "wouldn't give him another child"

303.) the dude that ignored his wife and son the entire evening they were supposed to spend together, told her "i don't like hearing that word coming out of your mouth" when she said "no" to kissing him, then shoved her face in his lap (while their son was in the car)

304.) the dude that tested his girlfriend to "make sure she wasn't a gold digger" by leaving his bank statements on the bed for her to see, "forgetting his wallet" and making her pay a five hundred dollar ($500) bill at a restaurant (she was an elementary school teacher), and not buying her gifts to see if she would question him

305.) the dude that said "seeing you like this has me 😈" and tried to initiate s*x while his wife was having a medically necessary pregnancy termination

306.) the dude that switched his wife's birth control pills with folic acid to try to get her pregnant KNOWING that she did not want to get pregnant

307.) the dude that tried to stop his wife from wearing heels to her father's funeral because he was insecure about his height, decided not to go because of it, then called her insane for "refusing to compromise"

308.) the dude that said "at least she'll still be tight down there" when his girlfriend told him her friend had a c-section, called her insecure when she said that was inappropriate, stranded her at the restaurant, then muted his phone so she wouldn't be able to reach him

309.) the dude that would try to stop his wife from going to bars and restaurants with her friend and call her nonstop to ask her what she was eating and also tell her things such as "you don't want to put on weight", "because of how you were it's really easy for you to put on weight", and "you don't want to be as big as you were", because she used to be two hundred ninety pounds (290 lbs) (she is now one thirty (130))

310.) the dude that got his daughter's hair straightened without his wife's permission, knowing that she did not want her to get her hair straightened (their daughter was biracial and had curly hair) (it was permanently damaged after the treatment)

311.) the dude that drunkenly admitted to his fiancée and their friends that he was not attracted to his fiancée for the first two (2) years of their relationship

312.) the dude that cheated on his boyfriend of nine (9) years with his boyfriend's little sister that he had known since she was nine (9)

313.) the dude that accused his female friend of acting like a "group girlfriend" because she started calling him by his full name after he asked her to stop calling him "darling" (he asked her to stop because he found out she calls all her friends names like "darling" and he believed she was calling him "darling" because she was flirting with him)

314.) the dude that told his wife "your body was built to do this it can't be that bad" when she complained of her hyperemesis and gestational diabetes during pregnancy, refused to go in the delivery room because "it's gross", then forged his wife's signature on their son's birth certificate while she was getting an emergency hysterectomy after giving birth so he could name him something he knew she hated (he also started cheating on her)

315.) the dude that would pranked his girlfriend by taping poppers under the toilet seat, started laughing when her PTSD was triggering because of it, promised to stop pranking her, then pranked her again by pretending to commit s*ic*ide (he knew she suffered from mental health issues but didn't care because he believed only veterans could get PTSD)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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