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the bell rung, everyone started to get up and grab their bags almost immediately, wasting no time to get out of home room, you got up after the majority left, slinging your bag over your shoulder and heading for the door.

"bye, miss wright" you smiled at your teacher as you left the classroom

"bye y/n, have a good day" she replied back, you headed down the hallway to your next class when you saw asher and jae-sung, you went over to them with a frown. "i really don't wanna go to english, mr hudson is just so boring, i learn nothing in his lessons"

"yeah but it's funny, people just mess him about, it's entertaining" asher said, jae-sung laughed, "you care about leaning stuff?" you gave him a dirty look "we're in year 9! we're starting our gcses soon"
noah walked over and grabbed your bag, pulling it to get your attention, you stumbled back a little and the others laughed while you gave them an annoyed look.

"i'm gonna record mr hudson getting bullied by the other students" noah smirked, followed by the others laughing, you couldn't help but to laugh too.
"what if you get caught though?" you looked at him with a questioning look, he pushed you by your shoulder gently "me? get caught? you must be joking"
you looked at jae-sung and asher and side eyed noah, all judging his confidence silently, jae-sung laughed as you guys entered the class.

*the class is layed out like this

[1][2][3][4] [5][6] [7][8][9][10] row 1 (front)
[1][2][3][4] [5][6] [7][8][9][10] row 2
[1][2][3][4] [5][6] [7][8][9][10] row 3
[1][2][3][4] [5][6] [7][8][9][10] row 4 (back)

y/n sits on 6 on the 3rd row
jae-sung sits on 5 on the 4th row with a free seat next to him
asher sits on 8 on the 1st row
noah sits on 1 on the 3rd row


you sat in your seat, opening your book and sighing, you hate this class, as much as you hate this teacher, you wanna learn too, but people made it impossible.
you tried to take notes off the screen, but people were being loud and talking, you found it too distracting, so you just slammed your pen on the desk and put your head in your hands.

you stayed like that for a while, until you heard jae-sungs voice and felt a tap on your shoulder
"y/n? are you okay?" he looked at you with concern, worried that something might be wrong.
giving him a soft smile, you replied in a calm tone "i'm fine, jae-sung, i'm just trying to get some notes down".
"nerd" he laughed softly, enjoying your annoyed look you were giving him, he loved to tease you, and as much as it annoyed you, you never could hate him for it, that's just what he's like.

"guys, can we all calm it down a bit?" mr hudson looked around the room at everyone, most of the class were turned around, talking with friends, and laughing, you eventually turned around yourself and started talking to jae-sung, "i'll study tonight" you thought, even though you knew you wouldn't.

there was a knock at the door, you turned around to look at who it could've been coming in so late.
mr hudson looked just as confused, this man was so bad at controlling his class, he forgot he had someone missing!
*knock.. knock.. knock..*
he walked towards the door, looking annoyed, he swung it open. "what are you doing late? it's been.. uhm" he looked at his watch "17 minutes!, you should've been here ages ago"

"uhm, this is my first day, i didn't know where to go"


end of part one

let me know your thoughts on this part!

january 08, 2023. 01:57am

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