Chatper 2

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Shane's phone beeped. It was a message from Nicky. Just a link to a website and nothing more. Shane clicked on the link and the website opened. It was a fan fiction. A Shnicky one. Shane was alone in his hotel room, so he started to read it. It started out with the two of them stumbling into a hotel room after a concert. It continued with some oral sex and Nicky fingerfucking Shane on the bed.

Shane felt himself already starting to react to what he was reading. He didn't think this was the best time to get horny, they had a concert to do in a few hours. But he couldn't stop reading. Nicky had obviously sent him this story as some kind of suggestion. He continued reading it. The story continued with Shane fucking Nicky on the coffee table, while talking dirty. Shane was turned on by the idea of talking filthy, and last time he'd done it it seemed to have been driving Nicky mad with pleasure.

The story ended with some fantastic oral sex in the shower. It was really hot, and Shane had to close the website and put his phone down for a minute to calm himself down. He was about to go get ready to go to the arena and didn't have time to be this turned on. Before he left his hotel room, he sent a message to Nicky, a message containing only one symbol...


It had been a few days since their first mad encounter in Nicky's hotel room. That night when they had read the Shnicky porn together and just gone wild and crazy. It had been Nicky's first time with a man, and he had been blown away by the feeling. Now he wanted more. A lot more. He couldn't believe Shane could be so fucking sexy, and he could still not grasp the fact that Shane had been talking dirty like that. Nicky had been so fucking turned on by it. It was amazing.

Nicky had found a really good fan fiction this afternoon when he was in his hotel room surfing on his phone. It had all the elements Nicky wanted. He'd put the link in a text message and sent it to Shane. He knew Shane would probably be up for it after the concert. Shane was always quite high on adrenaline after concerts and that would probably help Nicky to land his plans of having fantastic sex with him tonight.

The other two lads would probably wanna have a pint or something, but Nicky figured he could say he was tired, just this once. It wasn't like they did this every night. They had lots of other opportunities to chat with Mark and Kian, there were many more concerts to come after this one. It was only the beginning of the tour yet.

As Nicky made himself ready to leave his hotel room, he received a text message from Shane. It only contained one symbol: "Thumbs up." Nicky felt a rush of excitement.


There had been lots of Shnicky moments on stage tonight and the crowd seemed to enjoy it. Kian and Mark had seemed a bit puzzled at a few occasions, but in general Nicky thought that he and Shane had been able to behave quite well after all, considering the circumstances, considering he wanted to fuck Shane right there on stage.

After the concert, Kian suggested they would meet up for a chat in his hotel room but Shane said he was tired and needed to go to sleep and then Nicky said the same. Kian looked at them frowning and then he turned to Mark and said:
"-Okay, just you and me then?"
"-Fair enough." Mark said.

Shane and Nicky said goodnight to the other two and then watched them taking the lift upstairs. Then, they went together to Shane's hotel room. As soon as Nicky closed the door, Shane was slamming him against it, kissing him passionately.

"-Alone at last. You were so fucking sexy tonight." Shane said, his hazel eyes sparkling of want.
"-So were you." Nicky said, already tugging at Shane's jacket to get it off.

Shane ground against Nicky and pressed himself hard against Nicky's thigh.

"-Oh..." Nicky said.
"-Yes... Want you." Shane said, between kisses.
"-Want you to talk dirty to me, Shane."
"-Is that so..." Shane said with a cheeky tone.
"-Yeah. You're so fucking good at it."
"-You think so..?"

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