Chapter 5

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After accepting they'd have to wait a week to talk again, the lads got on with their lives. With Nicky's birthday that weekend, Shane managed to post a quick message using his data but busy at work, the blonde didn't think to check until the celebrations were over.

G had spent a fortune on Nicky's birthday. From the children he'd received framed paintings they'd done and a nice silver curb bracelet and she'd booked him a weekend away for 2 at a log cabin fitted with hot tub by the lake for the following weekend. He wasn't quite sure who he was meant to take as it seemed like a romantic gesture and taking G didn't feel right but asking Shane was out of the question.

"Take your mam." G suggested. "It doesn't have to be a romantic weekend. It's just time away to chill. There's no rose petals on the beds Nico, it's just a cheap getaway to relax. God knows your mam deserves it... I mean, unless there is someone else you could invite?"

"Not yet. I was talking to someone but it's been quiet this week. Not sure if he's brushed me off or his excuse was genuine." Nicky frowned, missing his chats with Shane already.

"You didn't tell me this. What's he look like?"

"He's fucking gorgeous G. Like, proper handsome. Dark hair, amazing smile, same sense of humour, single dad... He said his internet cut out but he's an accountant so he must have a decent wage."

"It might not be money issues that caused it. When did he say he'd be back online?"

"This week. I'll show you his profile." Nicky pulled out his phone and signed into his account, immediately noticing an inbox message. "Ooh he's replied." He beamed. "Happy birthday for this weekend gorgeous. Sorry we can't chat till Monday. Can't wait to talk again."

"Today's Monday." She pointed out the obvious. "Show me then... Ooh yeah he's fit. Message him back."

"Can I use your laptop? It's easier."

"Sure. Still staying for tea again?"

"Yeah I can stay to see the boys then I'll get off about 6:30."

"Cool. Well I'll go grab them from school then while you talk to your man. Good luck. Hope he replies this time."

"Cheers babe. See you soon." Nicky kissed her cheek and opened up the lappy to thank Shane for his well wishes.

Bingo, Shane had come up with an excuse for being online during the day again.

S: lucky really. My boss told me I'd got 2 weeks holiday left to take and I'm owed about 4 days so decided to take it all in one go and get some prep done for Xmas on payday next week.

N: brilliant. What are your Xmas plans?

S: we'll be going to my parents for a few days. They've bought Nicole a pony! FFS

N: Wow. Does that mean you'll get to ride again yourself?

S: Maybe. All the horses at the stables belong to other people now. We haven't had any of our own for a few years. So how was ur b'day?

N: hard work :( saw the kids for an hour Saturday and here now to make up for it. G is cooking tea.

S: Nice gifts?

N: yeah thanks. Though I wish I could share one with you.

S: Really?! Do I wanna know what it is? Lol

N: 2 days in a lakeside cabin but it's this weekend so I'm taking my mam.

S: sounds lush. I don't have a sitter anyway. But sounds romantic.

N: Well maybe one day ;) it's so good to talk again. Thought you'd fucked me off.

S: course not. Sorry. I've missed chatting too. Nicole's at a birthday party tomorrow night so I'll not be online till 8ish.

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