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Can you take Gia to see Santa at some point babe? The boys are going with school in a couple of weeks so saves them going twice." G asked Nicky as he put his daughter's coat on.

"How's that gonna work when I usually have all 3 of them?"

"Well Rocco's at football tomorrow or they both have that birthday party today. You don't have to stay at the play farm if you want to take Gia to see Santa instead. Otherwise both boys are at the Home Farm Xmas party mid December. Gia can go or see Santa then."

Nicky really didn't want to face Shane mid December if their first date wasn't a success. He thought about it for a minute and decided to take a risk today. If Shane recognised him it could be a great surprise, an embarrassing awkward situation or if the elf had no idea it was the beautiful cop, Nicky would knows if it was him at least and be able to make a decision on whether to carry on talking to the fibber.

After dropping off the boys not far from the town centre, Nicky went to the grotto with his little girl. He was wrapped up in a scarf covering his jawline above his grey duffle coat and wore a plain black baseball cap over his blonde streaks. Nervously, he stood holding Gia's hand in the queue as Shane entertained the kids near the front of the line. Seeing him closer, Nicky was 100% sure the elf was Shane but he had mixed emotions about it when a friend shouted his name over, waving at him hard at work. Why hadn't the brunette just told him the truth?

Giving Nicky a quick glance to say hello, Shane smiled and crouched down to Gia's level. "Hello beautiful little lady. Are you excited to meet Santa?"

Gia nodded, a bit shy at first, looking at Nicky for reassurance as she whispered 'daddy'. "Speak to him then!"


"And what do you want for Christmas this year?"

She shrugged. "A baby doll and lots of sweeties."

"Aww that's nice. I'm sure Santa can arrange that hey daddy?"

Nicky saw Shane wink and melted. He was so perfect, he just wanted to say who he was but he didn't want to put Shane on the spot.

"Daddy needs new socks." Gia giggled.

"Are his smelly?" Shane laughed as the girl cheekily nodded. "Oh look, Santa is ready for you now. Have a nice time and be good for daddy OK?"

"Thank you. Come on Daddy." Gia grabbed Nicky's hand and pulled towards the entrance where Father Christmas sat waiting for his next visitor.

Nicky didn't even have chance to say thanks or goodbye to Shane as he moved onto the next family in line but it was obvious the elf hadn't realised who the wrapped up daddy actually was. He understood he was too busy working to pay much attention to the parents and he hadn't provided any decent photos of his own face but he was happy to see just how gorgeous his online friend was. He'd fish a bit more online later, see how much Shane was willing to lie.

As soon as the kids were in bed, Nicky was straight on the laptop to talk to Shane. Their date was less than 24 hours away but their upcoming conversation could throw a spanner in the works.

N: ...busy day. What about you?

S: Not bad babe. Didn't have Nicole today. She went to my mam's again.

True! It was a good start.

N: Been up to anything good?

S: Went in town but didn't end up buying much. What did u and ur youngest do? Oldest were at a party yeah?

N: Well remembered. Took my girl into town.

S: ah, didn't see you. I don't think!

Yes he did! Idiot. Nicky was tempted to admit it but was scared to cause Shane embarrassment. So he acted dumb too.

Shane and Nicky Where stories live. Discover now