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It was a rather chilly morning; a decent start to the Winter season. The Sun was just now appearing over the distant horizon, morning light taking its sweet time in illuminating the streets below. The temperature (as well as the fact that it was so, so early in the morning) led most of the citizens of FARAWAY TOWN to remain within the comforting warmth of their homes, the only exception being workers and a certain college student walking through the streets alone.

HERO was an interesting individual. He managed to be so remarkable, so loveable, yet also extraordinarily normal at the same time. There wasn't much that was particularly special about him; he was simply a guy just living on the planet Earth, along with 7 .837 billion other individuals. Compared to others, he surely wasn't much. And yet, he somehow managed to be universally loved. Perhaps it's due to his incredible work ethic, his can-do attitude, his appearance... Whatever the reason, he is definitely an interesting specimen.

And here our HERO was, walking the streets alone at the crack of dawn, one destination in mind: GINO'S.

A pizza-based restaurant is probably, in most cases, the last place that one would expect to find themselves at such an hour. Perhaps in the afternoon, or maybe around supper time, but definitely not before the Sun completes its rising. However, GINO'S was an exception. At some point during his time at college, HERO had been informed that, in what the owners had claimed to be a "way of expanding [their] menu" (but, really, was an attempt at bringing in more customers), the establishment had changed their menu to include breakfast items. Granted, it was only three things (coffee, breakfast sandwiches, and waffles), but who was complaining?

While HERO absolutely adored and loved his mother, her taste in coffee wasn't the best. He personally couldn't stand the odd flavors she'd pick out, from the most peculiar brands he'd ever seen. (In order to avoid telling her this, he had decided last night to try some of GINO'S coffee as early as he possibly could in the morning; she'd definitely have something to say about this if she found out).

And, now HERO found himself just a few feet before the place. He extended a hand for the door, and was instantly warmed by heated air coming from ventilation above him. A small bell chimed as he had opened the door, a quick "Welcome to GINO'S!" being yelled by an employee. HERO bore a smile as he looked around the place; it brought about a warm, fuzzy feeling of nostalgia within him. The various red and white checkered tables were still in the same positions as ever, the juke box was playing a familiar tune.. It was enjoyable.

He approached the counter, maintaining his smile. The employee on the opposing side was a new one, HERO realized (at least, new to him; to be fair, it had been a while since he'd last come here).. She was looking up at him with a wide grin.

" Good morning! " she exclaimed in a cheerful tone. " I'd be happy to take your order. "

HERO glanced past her, at the bright menu situated on the wall. " I'll have a coffee. Black, please. And maybe a breakfast sandwich. " The girl nodded and frantically scribbled this down on a yellow notepad she held in her hands.. During that, HERO looked around a bit more, his eyes eventually resting on the girl herself.

He nearly choked on the air he was breathing.

She had dark hair, straight and soft. Bangs covered a bit of her face, but her smile was visible. It was a smile so familiar, it sent genuine chills through HERO'S entire body. In a moment of semi-panic, he muttered aloud, " MARI? "


MARI died about five years ago. She had been the good in HERO'S life; his one and only, if you will. His stomach churned as he began to think of her. Painful memories began to flood his mind. The beach trips, the picnics, the cookies, the bugs in his school desk, Saturday mornings, the piano, the recital, the day she had died, the way she had hung from the tree, the depression he had been consumed by following her death, the-

SUNNY's confession.

HERO went cold and just stared horrifyingly at the girl for a few more moments. That is, until she laughed nervously and spoke up. " Who's MARI? "

He quickly shook his head apologetically. " I'm sorry, don't mind that. "

She nodded slowly, looking HERO up and down. Admittedly, her stare was making him feel weak. It was too much like her's for comfort.

He needed to get out of here. He was internally panicked by the mere presence of- What was her name? HERO searched her for a name tag, eventually finding one bearing a neatly written " MARY" in its center (followed by a quick doodle of a heart as well). She even had a similar name to her. Only a slightly different voice, too. Part of him wanted to talk to her more, simply to hear MARI again. How he had longed for her voice for years...

. . .

" Are you from around here? " he asked her with a smile. " I grew up here, but I don't think I've seen you before. My memory's not the best, but I think I'd remember a face that beautiful. " With a little bit of charm, HERO could easily manage any conversation with anyone, no matter how distressing it was.

MARY grinned and shook her head. " I'm not! I've just moved here recently, actually, with my dad. There was a totally great deal on a two-story house! Came with a piano and all, too! " She let out a soft laugh. " It's a little silly, but I've been meaning to give the piano a shot. It's such a mesmerizing instrument. "

" I don't think that's silly at all, " HERO responded with a reassuring smile. " I think it's impressive, if anything. Playing the piano isn't something just anybody wants to do.. Some people think it's too complicated, or that it takes too much time to learn. But then there's the few who really put their all into it.. Those people are admirable. "

MARY stared at him with semi-widened eyes for a brief moment. Then she smiled again. "That sounds like it came from the heart. " She let out yet another soft giggle.

HERO recoiled suddenly, shaking his head slowly. " Ah, sorry. The piano's a complicated subject for me. " He grinned and rubbed at the back of his neck.

" No, that's totally fine! " MARY quickly waved off his apology. " I understand completely. "

HERO simply nodded slowly. A silence filled their conversation; not an uncomfortable one, but not exactly a peaceful one either. MARY was shifting on her feet, perhaps eager to return to her job. She pointed a thumb backwards, drawing out a "well..."

" I should probably- "

" I could teach you. "

MARY blinked, tilting her head to the side a tad bit in confusion. " What? "

" The piano, " HERO explained, clearing his throat pointedly. " I could teach you. I'm not a professional or anything, but I know how to play. "

MARY'S eyes lit up, a smile reforming on her lips (soft lips, practically just as MARI'S had been..). " I'd love that. "

" Great! " HERO beamed at her.

She'd nod. " I assume we'll need to exchange contact information? "

" Ah, yes! " HERO nodded and quickly reached into his pockets, withdrawing his CELLPHONE. He brought up the CONTACTS application and entered MARY'S number as she told him each numerical digit slowly.

" I look forward to seeing you again, " MARY said with a somewhat hopeful glint in her eyes.

" Neither can I.. "

.. MARI.

HERO'S NEW GIRLFRIEND .. But better!Where stories live. Discover now