Part 5

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Y/n's POV

Rooster is sitting in the common room when I entered. I walk over to him and sit next to him as Mitchell walks in moments later.

"They'll keep Phoenix and Bob in hospital overnight for observation. They're going to be okay." I said. Rooster stayed quiet, letting the information sink in.

"That's good. I've never lost a wingman." He said.

"You're lucky. Fly long enough, it'll happen." Mitchell mentioned. "There will be others."

"Easy for you to say. No wife. No kids. Nobody to mourn you when you burn in." Then there was a moment of silence.

"Go home. Just get some sleep." As Mitchell and I began to walk, Rooster spoke up.

"Why'd you pull my papers at the academy? Why did you stand in my way!?"

"You weren't ready."

"Ready for what?" Rooster walked closer. "Huh? Ready to fly like you?"

"No, ready to forget the book. Trust your instincts. Don't think, just do. You think up there, you're dead. Believe me."

"My dad believed in you. I'm not gonna make the same mistake."

Then there was silence for a moment.

"Maverick. Smile." We turn to the door to see Bates standing there with a sorrowful look.

~ Time Skip ~

Everyone is in their whites at an event that I never wanted to go to.

Tom "Iceman" Kazansky's funeral.

The navy all stand together while his family and Mitchell stand off the side. I stand at the coffin with other Admirals as we pick up the American flag and fold it while other navy soldiers do the gun salute. Once we finished folding the flag, they handed me it and I walked over to Sarah, her family and Maverick, then I handed it to her before saluting her before standing with her and her family.

Mitchell walks up to the grave and takes off Kazansky's wings then places it on the top of his coffin before he hammers it in with his hand. He then salutes along with me as a tear falls down my cheek. Then when the trumpet finished, four jets flew above us with vapour trails coming out of them. Then once it was over, we stopped saluting and let the tears out silently.

~ Time Skip ~

"I can only imagine what you both must be feeling right now." Simpson said as Mitchell and I were in his office. "Take some time. Whatever you need."

"We appreciate that sir but there's no time. The mission-"

"Oh, I'll be taking over the training from here." Simpson cut me off.

"Sir?" Mitchell questioned.

"All of us know you both didn't want this job, Captain."

"They're not ready?"

"Well, it was your job to get them ready."

"Sir, they have to believe that this mission can be flown." I said.

"And all you both have managed to do is teach them that they can't."


"You're grounded, Captain. Permanently. And Smile, you can go back to retirement."


"That is all."

Then we left the room and began walking. We walked for a good 10 minutes before I stopped.

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