Convincing Sourwolf

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"I'm not joining in your stupid teenage bets," This was the nth time he had repeated himself that night and Derek was getting beyond aggravated at Stiles.

"Oh come on, Sourwolf! It's not stupid if everyone is doing it! Hell even Peter is in on it!" Stiles complained, he was nominated by the rest of the pack to convince Derek to join their—definitely stupid— bet going on since he seemed to be the only one Derek tolerated and listened when it came to getting him to join pack related activities.

"Because Peter is such a good role model." Derek continued to work on his car like he'd been doing for the past hour they'd been at it.

"That's—! That's fair actually..." Peter had let everyone know that he wasn't going for innocent fun but instead said he 'wants to see where this one goes' whatever bad thing that meant in Peter terms. "Well... Scott's mom is in on it too!" Stiles tried to use Melissa as his save knowing he was losing this battle.

Derek wiped his hands on a dirty rag and gave Stiles a look, not believing him.

"Sort of... kind of... I mean she said she'd do it if Argent did it and Scott said he'd text him and ask..." Derek rolled his eyes knowing the answer would be something like that.

"I'm not doing it and that's it." Derek unhooked the hood support ready to be done with his car and this conversation.

"You won't do it cause you know you'll lose and have to do something embarrassing!" Stiles was making a dangerous last ditch effort. He knew from past experiences that he shouldn't make comments like that to a Hale but this was his one job and everyone was counting on him to get Derek to join. He couldn't fail them.

Derek slammed the hood down and with a pissed off glint in his eye, looked at Stiles, who was already regretting his words. "Fine."
"Fine?" Stiles repeated quietly.

"I'll do it." Derek turned to him crossing his arms and wearing his signature glare.

Stiles was shocked, confused, but now a little excited. It worked? How did it work? That plan never works!

"One condition." Derek continued and Stiles stomach dropped all excitement and hope gone with a few words. "We have our own side bet."

"Oh!" He sighed in relief he could handle another little bet, Derek isn't exactly very creative anyway so how bad could it be? "Okay yeah that sounds—"

"You haven't heard the bet yet." Derek cut him off, an evil glint in his eye that made Stiles sweat. "Since you've been acting like such a brat, if you lose the main pack bet, you have to wear a diaper during lacrosse practice." Derek triumphantly smirked ever so slightly when Stile jaw dropped in response to the outlandish proposal.

"W-what?! No I- that's not fair! Derek—" Derek's side bet was way more mean and creative than he was expecting. But Stiles knew that the only reason Derek gave these kind of conditions was to make sure Stiles would have to say no: it was too embarrassing, he couldn't do that, and then Derek wouldn't have to be forced to join yet another pack social event.

However, that also meant Stiles would have to go back and tell everyone he failed and they'd be so disappointed and wouldn't want to be friends with him if he couldn't even—

Stiles had internally put so much importance on this quest that now his thoughts were snowballing out of control and he knew was seconds away from a panic attack if he didn't do something to stop it.

"What? You're never this quiet. Afraid you'll lose?" Derek mocked Stiles earlier comment that started this.

Shocking both of them Stiles blurted out, "I'll do it."

"What?" Derek's resolve broke, a bit too shocked by his answer. This was suppose to be a fool proof— or Stiles-proof plan.

"I'll do it." Stiles looked around anxiously not wanting to make eye contact. "If I lose the pack bet... I... I'll wear a... ah um..." Stiles pretended to clear his throat not want to say the word diaper hoping it might save him from at least a little bit of embarrassment. "to practice... Only one practice though!" He first stumbled to get out his words before quickly spitting out his terms. "And you have to stay the whole pack game night and no one else can know about our bet!"

"I... uh... okay," Derek was still shocked but moving more towards confused. "I guess I'll be at pack night.."

"It's at my house. 7 o'clock." With that stiles stiffly turned away and walked to his jeep hoping Derek didn't see how panicky he really was.

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