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Stiles came out dressed in clothes that were obviously still too big for him-even though Derek grabbed clothes for him that he hadn't been able to fit in for years and would probably bust the seams trying to fit in. It made Stiles look small. Like a little kid wearing their parent's clothes. It was adorable to look at.

Derek was doing his best not to show how much he enjoyed Stiles wearing these clothes. His clothes. Wearing his clothes, his favorite brands, his favorite colors, all with his scent on them. His. Derek's. Not Stiles's. Not Lydia's. And probably the most important- Not Scott's.


The words snapped him out of the spell he didn't realize he was even in and noticed Stiles staring up at him, hope in his eyes. Thinking maybe since he was staring at him so much-and so openly might he add- that maybe Derek might have changed his mind and will let him stay for a little longer.

"I'm sorry for today, Stiles, I think it would be best if-"

"I go home for tonight?" Stiles finished looking down at his hands sadly playing with the bottom of the old fraying shirt.

Derek nodded then looked away too. His heart felt like it was starting to break at the sight of such a disappointed boy. It was almost sad enough for him to consider changing his mind again, but he could hear Peter complaining upstairs again and it shut the idea down completely.

"Okay... will you drive me back then? My jeep is still at the high school. Aaand you still have all my school stuff..." It would be so humiliating if he was forced to walk home after all this. Stiles thought grimacing at the idea of doing the walk of shame when they lived a pretty decent distance apart.

"Yeah. Yes. Of course. Unless you want me to call Lydia to come get you?"

"No!" He jerked his head up. Having to wait in awkward silence for who knows how long before Lydia shows up and then grills him about why he's in Derek's clothes on the drive home? That would be so much worse than just walking. "I uh mean... my stuff is already in your car so it would just be faster if you took me."

"Right." Derek awkwardly cleared his throat then turned towards the door, his hands uncomfortably pressed against his sides like he was unsure what to do with them. "Let's go then."

"Right..." Stiles repeated and followed after him to the door with a sad shuffle. He really hadn't walked much since school got out today... Stiles realized as he started down the stairs. He had liked sitting on Derek's hip, his firm hand cupping his lower back and thighs keeping him strongly in place. It made him feel special, like a little prince or something who was too good to let his feet touch the ground so he had to be carried everywhere.

"What are you doing?" Derek questioned making Stiles stop as he started to open the back seats' door.

"Oh do I get to sit in the front this time?"

"Just..." He rolled his eyes. "Get in, smartass."

The drive back to his house wasn't as fun as the drive down. Derek was back to his quiet and broody personality. His dark eyebrows furrowed as he glared at the road while Stiles sat disappointedly staring out the window wondering what caused Derek to shut down like this. And what caused him to open up to begin with.

"Okay. Get out." Derek parked in front of the Stilinski house, refusing eye contact, afraid now that Peter's presence isn't here to remind him of reality.

Reality that he shouldn't have enjoyed seeing Stiles in his clothes, or in a diaper, or enjoyed cuddling, or the worst one- enjoyed babying him. That wasn't something he was allowed to do. Not with his past. He wasn't deserving of any of that.

"Walk me to the door?" Stiles got out and grabbed his previously abandoned bag before walking to the driver's side to which the grumpy wolf gave him a mean broody look.

"Oh c'mon, sourwolf. After everything? You won't even be a gentleman and walk me to the door?" He sounded sarcastic but that heart on his sleeve wouldn't let him hide the betrayal from the other man. Derek finally glanced at his face then looked away and sighed giving in, but knowing it was going to get him in trouble.

Without another word he opened the door, taking Stiles's bag from him so he could carry it to the door for him- "like a gentleman." The smaller boy hid his smile and walked side by side up the sidewalk to the door, unlocking it with the hidden key.

Derek dropped the bag inside the door then leaned against the frame looking at Stiles's expectantly.


"No. You need to come in too." Derek looked surprised then furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"What? No, why? I walked you to the door like you asked. That's it."

"I know. But you're going to come in too." Stiles stated, leaving no room for arguing. Whatever he was thinking about on the car ride over must've given him some confidence. Or maybe it was just because he was out of a vulnerable position and in the comfort of his own home. Regardless, Derek followed him inside, confused but complying.

Stiles led them to the living room and pointed to the couch making them sit back in the same place where they found out he lost the bet just a few short days ago. It felt ironic for them to both be back here in such a widely different mood after everything that happened between them.

It felt like their entire relationship had shifted into uncertain territory and if someone didn't do something right now it would all be lost. And Stiles wasn't about to just sit back and give up on it. Not when he had just gotten a taste of such a comforting and loving version of Derek. He wanted more of it and if he wasn't reading things wrong then he thinks Derek might want that to?

"Did I do something wrong? Or were you just really worried about Peter being there? Because I'm not upset at you for that situation and I don't want you to think I am." Stiles blurted out, desperate to figure out where things went wrong.

"What?" Derek asked, caught off guard.

"I... I thought we were having an okay time and then Peter... and you just... shut down? You went back to being like a brick wall with angry furry eyebrows. But we were laughing and comfy and I don't understand why you flipped so drastically-" he continued to ramble on not hardly slowing down to take a breath let alone let Derek get a word in.

"You were having fun?" Derek cuts him off looking at him almost in confused awe. He did all that to him and he still had an okay time? Maybe they could do this again... not for his benefit but because Stiles likes it. His thoughts raced through his head trying to convince himself.

"I.. uh.. Yes?" Stiles paused, "You made me feel really comfortable... I mean I haven't had a nap that restful in a long time. I usually can't sleep anywhere without my own specific pillow. And yet I fell asleep with you really easily." Derek's face was getting harder to read now and he was starting to get anxious and his heart was racing and he couldn't stop the word vomit from coming trying to save himself from what he thought was pure embarrassment.

"If I'm honest- that's...kind of why I wanted to stay longer. I was hoping to get another nap in with you. You know because I don't sleep well and- um that's all." Lies. Lies. Why can't he stop talking? It was going so well! This isn't what he meant to talk about at all!

"But you don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable and if you hated cuddling me that's okay I'll understand maybe I read you wrong and um- you know what never mind- you can leave if you want-"

"Oh." Derek replied feeling dumb. Of course it was just the sleep part. This kid never sleeps well. It makes sense he would want more of that even if it came with a price. "I guess i could stay the night here then if you need to sleep better again..."

Oh he wants to stay! He wants to hang out around each other more! My big mouth didn't ruin this! Stiles thought, relief breaking through the anxiety and letting a big goofy smile spread across his face.

"Okay! Cool. cool cool cool! My bed isn't very big but I think if we cuddle really close again we'll fit okay. I'll warm up some leftovers for us both first then we can head upstairs."

As Stiles excitedly bounded for the kitchen, Derek sat back on the couch and sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose, frustrated with his lack of self control when it comes to Stiles asking for things.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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