As last bell rang, signaling the end of the school day and beginning of lacrosse practice, Lydia gave Stiles a nervous supportive smile.
"Want me to walk with you out to the parking lot?" Lydia walked beside Stiles as he slow shuffled to his locker trying to postpone the inevitable as long as possible and to let the rest of the students leave so maybe no one else would be in the parking lot.
"Mm... yeah but just to the doors, please." Stiles opened his locker to grab a few things then started walking through the halls with Lydia, breiefly stopping by the locker room to grab his lacrosse bag. He figured he'd just take it with him instead of risking the rest of the boys in the locker room seeing him in a diaper when he changed into his gear.
"So any heads up about what we're going to see at practice?" Stiles jumped while he was stuffing items into his bag when Isaac asked him about the bet again.
"I already told you guys that I can't tell you..." Stiles huffed then zipped up his bag and threw it over his shoulder.
"I know but Scott's really worried that Derek's going to make you.. like off someone." Stiles rolled his eyes as Isaac followed him to the door. "Have you ever noticed he really doesn't like Derek?"
"Well Derek doesn't really like him either so i guess it's mutual..." Stiles sighed, he'd had a front row seat to their hostile rollercoaster relationship and knew exactly how the wolves felt about each other. "I'll see you out on the field... also if you see Scott before me could you tell him not to follow or watch me and Derek? Please this will be embarrassing enough I don't want him watching..."
Isaac's eyes widened at the implication of Stiles's words. "I uh-"
"Wait- no- it's not like that! I made it sound-"
"Pervy?" Isaac laughed. "Yeah you did. But sure I'll tell him."
Stiles groaned at the awkwardness before thanking Isaac anyway and linking back up with Lydia in the hall to continue walking towards his impending doom.
Stepping outside, the two were greeted with Derek leaned against his sleek Camaro parked as close as he could to the school doors, arms crossed wearing dark expensive sunglasses.
"Man, he sticks out like a sore thumb..." Stiles groaned at the attention Derek was garnering from everybody in the parking lot.
Derek slipped off his sunglasses and tossed them into his car once he spotted the pair, then gave a bored, halfhearted wave to Lydia as she turned to talk to Stiles.
"Remember it's only for practice. Then it'll be over and you won't make any more bets with Derek. Or anyone for that matter because apparently you're only good at losing them." Lydia patted his arm as she gave him a not-so-inspiring pep talk.
"20 minutes until practice starts, Stiles" Derek hollered at Stiles, unmoving from his car. "Coach will be upset if you're late again."
Stiles took a deep breath, gathering as much confidence as he could, told Lydia goodbye as she walked her own car then willed himself to march over to the dramatic wolf.
"Alright... I'm here... now what?" Stiles glanced at the rest of the emptying parking lot nervously. There wasn't a huge crowd of people left however he really didn't want to do it right here where everyone had a chance to glimpse him changing.
"Are you going to make me change in your car? Or can I take... it... inside and change in the bathroom?" Stiles continued while he tried to glance inside Derek's car for any signs of his punishment but the window tint was too dark to see anything clearly from the outside.
"Get in the backseat. I'll drive around to the field parking lot since no one's there yet." Derek answered seemingly unbothered by these strange circumstances.

Side Bets
FanfictionDerek and Stiles make a bet. Stiles loses and has to wear a diaper to practice. It causes him to involuntarily regress- surprising the both of them. Now they both have to figure out how to handle the bet's consequences. (I'm probably going to cross...