A/N: (Gruff: *growl huff :D)
A soft snuggleful half an hour or more pass before Stiles starts to stir awake, mumbling something under his breath before brushing his hands along Derek's chest and snuggling down.
"Hmm?" Derek hummed and looked down at the sweet bleary eyed boy in his arms.
"Yur wulf hairy..." Stiles repeated a little louder but still mumbling. "I bet yur even sofer as a wulf..." Derek laughs lightly, trying not to bounce his head on his chest too much.
"I'd win that bet too... wolf fur isn't actually that soft." He teased softly, continuing to run his fingers through Stiles's hair. "You're bad at betting."
Stiles didn't respond, no giggles or snarky comebacks, he just wiggled impossibly closer. He was silently wondering if he took another bet if he'd get the chance to be coddled by the big bad sourwolf again.
He wonders if he'd like that. He wonders if he likes it now.
He kind of does.
He would like it even more if he was younger...
"What are you thinking about, little man?" Derek asks, concerned at Stiles's quietness after his last joke. He'd made a joke like that earlier and they both seemed to find it somewhat funny then. Did he cross a line this time or something?
"Wish you coulda been m'daddy when I's little..." Derek felt his heart skip a beat then flutter. What did THAT mean?
He held his tongue and continued to slowly rub Stiles back waiting to see if he would continue and explain further. He didn't. He just took a handful of Derek's shirt and sighed contently.
"I.. uhm... y..you still sleepy? Stil—b..aby?" He wasn't sure how to respond to any of this. This really wasn't how he was expecting his day to go.
"Mmhm" Stiles hummed and Derek adjusted the blankets, making sure they covered him properly after all his moving around. This earned him another pleased hum quickly followed by more quiet snores that were beginning to sound like sweet sweet music to Derek.
Their relationship was going to change drastically after all this. It already changed so much today alone. Neither one of them could've imagined they'd be snuggling—not outside of dreams anyway.
And if Derek was honest with himself— he wanted this to continue. Maybe he's selfish but he's really enjoying himself and wants to continue to baby Stiles like he has been and cuddle him and rub his back and change his clothes and shit... he could be Stiles's daddy. Stiles doesn't have to wish he was still a kid. He could just... be one again now... and they would get to continue—
Lost in thought, Derek wasn't paying attention to his surroundings.
"Oh Derek. You didn't." A smug voice said from the end of the bed ripping Derek out of his thoughts.
Derek quickly sat up to get a better look at the egotistical bastard, doing his best to not jostle awake the little boy in his arms. Or uh- Teenager. He's still a teenager. We haven't talked anything over.
Low and behold, there Peter stood, arms crossed his evil tell-all smirk on his face.
"You took this poor boy away from his school—" Derek groaned and flopped back down. "And subject him to your weird perverted— fantas—" They spoke over each other.
"It is not a perverted— we didn't— Peter, get out!" Derek's voice sounded much lower and more gravelly than earlier when it was just him and (his favorite person) Stiles. "You're going to scare—"

Side Bets
FanfictionDerek and Stiles make a bet. Stiles loses and has to wear a diaper to practice. It causes him to involuntarily regress- surprising the both of them. Now they both have to figure out how to handle the bet's consequences. (I'm probably going to cross...