Measure Your Words

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Barcode: P'Talay, here's your glass of water...!


Talay and Jeff look sideways at the same time, Barcode approaches Talay smiling gives Talay the glass of water at the same time, Talay smiling at Barcode.

Talay: Thank you N'...!

Jeff looking at the two, seeing his friend's interest in Barcode gave a nervous sigh, puts the paper aside, Talay and Barcode look at him, Barcode looking at Jeff, remembering the day this man took out his first kiss, Barcode didn't want Jeff to remember that moment, not after seeing that Jeff kissed him thinking about someone else, Barcode preferred to remain silent as if nothing had happened between the two of them.

Barcode: P'jeff!... P' said that made some corrections to my music... Can I see it?!

Jeff not really liking the approach between Talay and Barcode but dismissing any other kind of feelings or interests he might have, speaking calmly and friendly as ever.

Jeff: Yes, of course... Jeff gets up from the sofa and goes to sit in the chair in front of the sound production table, Barcode approaches from the side.... These are the few changes I made, you can see if you like it and you can add more if you want...

Talay seeing the two concentrated on working on the music, says going to the door.

Talay: I'm going out for a bit... I'm hungry, I won't be long...

Talay noting that the two didn't hear him.

Talay: What is this?! Did they both forget that I exist?!...

Talay disheartened at being forgotten by the two, leaves the studio.

Jeff and Barcode were making changes to the song for an hour.

Barcode sideways and standing next to Jeff who is sitting, distracted. Jeff seeing that they finished writing what was necessary.

Jeff: So we were...

Jeff turns his head sideways to look at Barcode and Barcode does the same to look at Jeff, the two of them as they do this, eyes very close, noses touching, lips almost close to each other. Barcode widens his eyes when he feels Jeff's nose quickly raises his torso that was leaning to look at the paper, but hits his head on Jeff's nose, jeff grabs his nose when being hits by Barcode, Barcode loses his balance when taking a step backwards almost falling Jeff on impulse immediately grabs Barcode's waist and pulls him making Barcode sit on his lap as he pulls him so quickly.

Barcode upon being pulled and sitting on Jeff's lap, puts one hand on Jeff's shoulder and the other grips Jeff's waist on the side of the chair.

This event lasted only ten seconds because of how fast it was.

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