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I woke up in a empty bed which means Lorenzo had left. I look around checking out the surrounding and this sure wasn't my room.

I get up after 5 extra minutes of laying down and listening to my deep thoughts 'why am i in his room?' 'He's my enemy I can't be doing this.'

I got up and walked towards a door which i guessed was a bathroom? I entered the bathroom and walked over to the sink. I leaned on both of my hands staring at my self onto the mirror. I had messy hair and my mascara was messy aswell.

I opened a drawer and it had makeup in it. I applied concealer and i redid my mascara, i applied a bit of highlighter aswell. I grabbed a new toothbrush that i had found in the drawer aswell and brushed my teeth.

I exited the bathroom and walked towards a closet and grabbed a thigh length red dress that hugged my boobs and curves. I grabbed a white prada bag and painted my nails red to match my dress. I grabbed some red heels aswell and i wore a few rings and a necklace.

 I grabbed some red heels aswell and i wore a few rings and a necklace

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I looked at myself in the mirror and started praising myself.

"Damn, that man is missing out on me." I plastered a smirk on my face before exiting the room.

I looked around and saw a stair that leaded u downstairs. With each step you could hear my heels. As soon as i got down i could feel eyes on me but i just looked at them with a dead stare which caused them to look down in fear.

Damn i just loved having power over people, it's like a addicting drug, you can tell people to do something and they won't dare to disobey you cause they fear you so fucking much. I love the feeling of walking around knowing I'm the most feared assassin but nobody knows.

Enough of my overpowering thoughts.

I walked towards a big golden door and opened it. I saw around 7 guards guarding and 4 of them walked towards me.

"Ma'am who are you if i may ask?" He said politely.

"None of your business and no you may not ask." I said.

The bodyguard turned around and looked at the 3 other guards before nodding at them.

"ooh, this is gonna be fun little mouse's" i said excitedly. Before grabbed my heals and tossing them to my left.

The 3 bodyguards started walking towards me and one tried to grab my arm saying "ma'am don't make this hard for all of us." He said calmly.

Before he could touch me i grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back. I saw another guard running towards me so i pushed the guard i was holding towards me and they both stumbled and fell to the ground.

I wasn't paying attention to the other guards until i felt someone grab me from behind. I used all my strength to pull his body over mine from back to front and he landed on his back. I grabbed a gun which i guessed fell out of his pocked and i cocked it.

I aimed at the 4 men before saying "any last words or can i make it quick?" I said with a sinister smile.

They didn't respond so i shot one guard on his left thigh and he fell to his knees groaning in pain. I saw one guard running towards me again and i didn't spare his life, i shot him in the head.

At this point i didn't care anymore so i shot all of them and i did my little victory treat. I carve the phrase 'cheeky cunts' on their cheeks and 'bloody 001' on their foreheads.

I walked towards my heels. I put my heels on again and dragged the bodies to the front door. I rang the bell before hiding behind some bushes.

I saw Lorenzo opening the door and he chuckled? HE FUCKING CHUCKLED? I literally ended all of his best men and this motherfucker is laughing?! Yes guys, i did my research on him, ofcourse i did wasn't it obvious? I have a whole journal of information i could use against him but i win equal I don't use shit against people i want to end fairly. Unlike him using 'bloody one' against me.

I got swarmed into my thoughts untill something caught me of guard. It was a fucking stray cat hissing at me, don't get me from but i hate stray cats. The thing started hissing louder and lunches at me to attack. But i quickly ran away almost falling cause of the heels, i quickly kick my heels of and continue running while the cat was chasing me.

I saw Lorenzo watching the whole embarrassing moment. "HELP ME YOU FUCK FACE!" I yelled while still running.

"Aahh" i screamed when i fell into a pool. The cat stood there staring at me. Is this oofy doofy thing crazy?!

Lorenzo came walking towards us and laughed at me. "You should have seen this in 3rd person you looked hilarious" Lorenzo laughed.

I tried to fight back a smile, this is the first time hearing him laugh and not fake one. Not only was his face fucking handsome, SO IS HIS LAUGH. This guy is gonna be the end of me, I can't find myself falling for him.

I quickly got out the of the pool and grabbed my phone. I started dialling my favourite assistant, Elijah. He picked up.

"Hello idiot, can you pick me up real quick?" I said. I love him and I'd do anything to protect him. He's my most loyal worker and he's my bestfriend aswell.

"Heyyy girl, yes on it. See ya" he said. You can sense he's gay and I support him.

"Alright I'm at [location], stop by near the park I'll see you there." I said quickly and i hung up.

I completely ignored Lorenzo and started walking towards the gate, it was closed and i looked over my shoulder and saw Lorenzo smiling innocently at me.

I shot him a fake smile before turning around and climbing over the gate. He seemed stunned but he knew i would throw a stunt like this.

I walked towards a park and i could swear i could feel black cars following me around. As soon as Elijah arrived i started making my way towards the car, I entered and told him about the cars following me around, he just shrugged not knowing what to do and i brushed of the bad feeling i got from the cars. He drove us to my mansion and we got out of the car.

"Bitch what we're you doing at Lorenzo's mansion anyway. Weren't you planning on taking him down last week? Elijah asked as he closed the door on his side of the car.

"Let's talk about it inside." I said hesitantly. Before i got out of the car aswell and closed the door double checking if it's closed.

1185 words


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