Chapter 21: Beautiful Selene

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Arthur rides his horse into camp, everyone's pretty much asleep. Dutch is standing outside his tent, smoking a cigarette, when he sees you on the back of Arthur's horse.

Dutch: Aw, hell. He says, throwing the cigarette on the ground and stomping it out.

He walks up as Arthur hitches his horse.

Dutch: My boy! What in the world happened?

Arthur: He got shot in the arm.

You: Yeah, and it ain't feelin' that great.

Dutch: I can imagine. Mr. Strauss?! He hollers as he and Arthur help you off the horse. Would you come attend to Mr. L/N?!

Strauss approaches.

Strauss: You gentleman seem to have had a good night.

Arthur: Maybe too good.

Strauss: Let's get you warm.

Dutch and Arthur carry you to the fire. Strauss grabs the blanket and pillow from your tent and lays it out next to the fire. Arthur pushes the log out of the way.

Strauss lays the blanket and pillow down next to the fire, as Dutch takes off your coat and shirt. Dutch and Arthur lay you down on the blanket. Arthur grabs your hat and sets it aside.

You lay your head down on the table.

Strauss: Let's see what we got here.

He sits down on a chair and checks your arm.

Strauss: Went through all the way, that's good. Doesn't seem to be infected. I'd still like to clean it to be sure. Uh, Herr Morgan, would you have any whiskey?

Arthur: Dumb question. He says, pulling out a bottle.

He hands the bottle to Strauss. Strauss takes off the top. You grab it from his hand and you take a swig. You give it back to him.

Strauss: Charming.

You nod. He pours the whiskey on your wound. You hiss and groan in pain. You reach for the bottle again as he stops pouring, but Strauss slaps your hand away.

You: Fuck you.

Strauss: I'll let that slide, considering the circumstances.

He hands the bottle back to Arthur. He takes out some bandages. He starts wrapping your arm.

Strauss: Now, keep this bandage clean, we're running a little low.

Dutch: Why wasn't I aware of this?

Strauss: I've TRIED telling you, but you're a hard man to reach!

Dutch: No matter. I'll be heading into town tomorrow. Why don't you join me?

Strauss: And be around those...townsfolk?

Dutch: Just come into town. You could use some fresh air, outside this place, I mean.

You: God, just let me go. I gotta go pay a visit to someone in town.

Dutch: Since when do you know anyone in town?

You: I can make friends.

Dutch: I'm sure the mask is a real ice-breaker.

You: Yeah, that's why I wear it.

Strauss: Okay, Herr L/N. He says, standing up and collecting his things. You, sir, are as good as new.

Dutch: Rest up, Y/N. We got some shoppin' to do tomorrow. He says, walking away as you lean up.

Red Dead Redemption, Sadie Adler X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now