Chapter 6: Eastward Bound

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You and Arthur ride back up to camp to see everyone loading up the wagons. You can hear Ms. Grimshaw bossing people around. You and Arthur ride up to Dutch and Hosea, who're both talking by a wagon.

You and Arthur dismount and start walking towards them.

Arthur: So, we gettin' outta this hellhole?

Dutch: We're gonna try. Weather seems stable.

Hosea: AND we just robbed a Leviticus Cornwall train.

Dutch: We got money in our pockets, the worst is behind us, gentlemen. So the question is, where now?

Hosea: I know this country a little. I told you, we should set up camp in Horseshoe Overlook near Valentine.

You: Wait... Valentine?

Hosea: Yes. Valentine. Somethin' the matter with that?

You: Uh... No. No, Valentine will do perfect.

Hosea: Okay... Anyways. We'll be able to hide out there no problem, as long as we keep our noses clean.

Dutch: Well, then, let's go, clean noses and everything else. Arthur, you're in that one. He says, gesturing to the wagon in the back. Bring Hosea. I know you two like to talk about the good old days and what's gone wrong with old Dutch.

Dutch looks at you.

Dutch: Mr. L/N, you alright with traveling on horseback?

You: Sure.

Dutch: Alright, let's head out.

Hosea and Dutch walk off. You're about to walk off, but Arthur puts his hand on your shoulder.

Arthur: Hey.

You look at him and he takes it off.

You: Yeah?

Arthur: ...You sure you're alright with goin' to Valentine?

You look down with a sigh. You look back up at Arthur.

You: ...I'm sure.

Arthur nods.

Arthur: Okay. Just makin' sure.

Hosea: Arthur! Come on!

Arthur: Alright, I'll see you later.

You: Yep.

You and Arthur part ways.

[Start Playing the Song at the Top]

You mount up on Apollo. You all ride off.

A/N: Literally just listen to the music. There's not a lot to describe, so if you just listen to the music, you could get the whole picture.

After riding for a while, the group makes it out of the snow.

Dutch: Lenny! Micah! Get over here!

Micah and Lenny ride up next to Dutch's wagon.

Micah: Yes, boss?

Dutch: You two ride up ahead, make sure there's no surprises. We've had enough of those.

Micah: Me, with the boy?

Dutch: Just go.

Micah: Come on, kid. You can buy me a whiskey.

Lenny and Micah ride off.

A/N: Continue listening.

[After the Song]

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