Chapter 19

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Silence encroached every part of the imperial palace. Some guards were still left behind but most had joined the royal army leaving with the Wang Yu. What was left was agitated maids and overworked officials.

The steps of Da Sinong echoed as he walked down the hall. His face plastered with serenity but eyes filled with purpose. No one had stopped San Hei, the minister of finance was too high in status for maids to even attempt stopping him as he walked into the emperor's gathering hall.

His eyes first peered onto the empty throne before his eyes found what he was looking for. A round boy playing by the foot of the throne. Two maids watching over the little wang with attentive eyes.

Their eyes darted up at the sound of his arrival, but quickly lowered as he approached.

"Servants greets the honored Da Sinong."

He waved off the greeting, eyes not leaving the prince. "You can leave."

The maids hesitated, leaning down to gather up the prince.

"Leave him with me. I need to speak with him alone," Da Sinong said, forcing his expression to be cheery, though his heart beat fast.


"Do you dare disobey the orders from the Da Sinong?" his voice became sharp. Unconsciously, he let his hand slid into his long sleeve, gripping the handle of the dagger. Maybe it was better to just...

The maids bowed before scurrying off, almost like they could sense the thoughts of the Da Sinong. They didn't matter anyway. The emperor will soon die. He had been promised so. Now he has to end the line.

San Hei never let the dagger go as he walked closer to the wang who looked up. His big eyes filled with innocence and wonder.

"Do you know who I am?" San Hei asked, pulling out the dagger. The boy's eyes darted to the dagger before going back to his face. He shook his head.

"I guess a commoner wouldn't know. You don't have to be afraid. It's better this way."

"Better for you at least," a cold voice came out of the darkness. San Hei darted around, pointing the dagger at the intruder. His whole body tense before he saw the figure.

Slim, beautiful and youthful. Eyes sharp and clothes of the highest quality. San Hei almost let out a sigh of relief when he recognized the shape. Yecao Ji. He could handle this fool.

"What are you doing here?"

"As the brother of the future empress, it's only natural that I was put in charge of the wang's care," Yecao Ji said, not even hesitating as he closed in. Putting himself, between San Hei and the prince.

The prince had gotten onto his feet and was holding Yecao Ji's hand, glaring at San Hei like he was the enemy. Well, he was but the wang surely couldn't know that.

"The zhiji hasn't become the empress yet."

"And the wang hasn't become the wang yet but that doesn't mean that rats won't come out of the trash to nibble at his feet," Yecao Ji replied and San Hei's eyes narrowed. Was this truly the man who had groveled at his feets at the last year banquet for newly added officials? The one who had smiled stupidly while San Hei had insulted him?

"Give me the wang."

Yecao Ji tilted his head. "So that you can kill him. What has you been promised, little minister? You don't want the throne. Your employer would never give it to you. Is it your brother's place you want?"

San Hei froze, staring at the man who smirked at him.

"Yes, that's it, isn't it? Not for yourself. A bird told me that you introduced your son to your brother as a possible heir to his place as governor of Sichuan. Something he laughed at as he had three sons of his own. It must have been infuriating since that title was originally meant for you, the oldest before your father gave it to him instead," Yecao Ji nodded, his face showing mock empathy. "What would be a better time to take it from your brother when he has joined the emperor's side in this conflict? If the emperor lost then the new one would remove the current governor to replace him with one loyal to them. Someone like your son."

"How do you know this?" San Hei lifted his dagger, intending to threaten Yecao Ji when he felt something cold against his throat. Looking around he saw a smirking, unshaven face as one of the Zhiji's pirates stood there with a dagger against his throat.

The other was aiming an arrow at him, standing by the side of the two royal guards left behind by the zhiji.

"You-" San Hei's voice shook in fear and anger as his eyes turned back to Yecao Ji. The empathy was gone, replaced by pure coldness.

"You dare lay your filthy eyes on my nephew. On my brother's child and think I wouldn't know. I know everything in this city. From your foolish plans to your son's tendency to fall into every whorehouse in the city. How you would think that such a man could be governor is beyond me, but take comfort in knowing that with your and your sons end, your line will continue with every whore your son has knocked up," Yecao Ji leaned down, picking up the child and carried him off.

San Hei threw himself at him, desperate to fulfill his revenge at least but and arrow hit him straight in the face. His body falling lifeless to the floor in front of the throne. In his last breath, he could almost since the emperor's cold gaze watching him and judging him.


The soldiers scurried along the grand walls of Yunzhou. The ancient walls that never had been breached was now under sieged by the entirety of the imperial army. Soldiers from Sichuan had joined them a few hours ago and the soldiers were setting up camp.

Newly arrivals came to the north, and messengers entered the Di Xúe's tent. As he received the news, his face turned pale and he rushed out of his tent only to see the Zhang Xia's grim face.

"Where?" panted Di Xúe, not being able to utter more than that. Zhang Xia's eyes turned to a wagon and with his earth beating fast, Di Xúe walked over and pulled away the bamboo curtains. His uncle laid there, bloody, pale and unmoving.

"Is he-" Di Xúe swallowed the painful lump in his throat. Not being able to finish the sentence.

"He is alive. Hurt, but alive," the Zhang Xia said. "His hearing has been damaged though and I fear he will never hear again."

Taking a deep breath, Di Xúe was able to keep his emotions in check. "What happened?"

"A man-eating Bixi from Dongzhou. The Wang Yu killed it to save the soldiers, but paid a heavy prize."

"Dongzhou," scorching heat filled Di Xúe at the thought of that damn family. He should have just killed the bastards. "Send for a doctor and keep my uncle well."

Di Xúe took one last look at the man who always had seemed immortal to him. His uncle had been seen as his greatest rival for the throne but now he saw it clearly. His uncle had never wanted the throne. He just wanted to protect his nephew.

"It's already done," the Zhang Xia said.

"Also, ensure that the head of the beast is sent back to the Shu family. We must also arrange a feast for them. I'm sure the Bixi's flesh will suit the Shu family's taste," Calousness petrueded every tone of Di Xúe voice as he turned around and faced the wall.

"What is the state of the siege?" asked Zhang Xia.

"They are trapped like rats. We are holding the east entrance while the army from the Sichuan is holding the west entrance. The Ma family hasn't received any help from Dongzhou and is left to fend for themselves."

"This cannot be their entire plan," Zhang Xia muttered, watching the quiet walls.

"I suspect they intend to use the zhiji as a hostage to prolong the siege and try and assassinate me. That was always Xiao Nu's way," Di Xúe said, not mentioning that two assassination attempts have already been made. "Let's hope that is all for I cannot comprehend how Xiao Nu plans to get out of this alive."

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