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I hated weekends, more than anything. Two whole days, alone with him.

I groaned, rolling around on my bed as the alarm blared. 6 am. I liked to get up early and shower, before watching some tv in the morning. It helped me detox in the morning before I had to be on tenterhooks for the next 48 hours. I wasn't allowed out often. My dad blamed it on the inappropriate things filled in the world, like drugs and alchol, "besides," he had said "Tt's not like you have as many friends as I did, when I was your age. In fact I doubt that Witwicky kid likes you enough to wanna be hanging out with you on the weekends. You dont need to go out."

So I didn't. Because if my dad didn't think I needed anything. Then I didn't. And if I did, then I did.

'Rule 3. Always listen. Always obey. Or they'll be hell to pay.'

After I finished making my bed looks presentable (my room had been cleaned by Maria the night before, I took a shower and got dressed, tying back my (h/c) locks/braids out my face partially. I sat down on my bed, deciding to watch a couple episodes of Spongebob (my mom had always watched it with me before I died).

Eventually I turned on my ipod, noticing a text from Sam:

SAM: 'Hey :) U allowed out today?'

'ME: idk. my dad wants me to practice for the next history pop quiz, since i got a c on the one we did yesterday. But maybe tomorrow?' 

Half an hour later, I received a text back

Sam: man, he really cares about ur education, doesn't he?'

ME: 'Yeah.' I lied, eyes glinting with tears. I never told Sam the real reason I wasn't allowed out, and I hated lying to him. Everyday it felt more and more like I was betraying our friendship.

ME: 'But he'll be gone for most of tomorrow, so i'll come over then.'

SAM: 'kay

After another breakfast held in tight conversation with him, my dad informed me that I would be joining him on a tour of one of our warehouses with a few members of the branch. Apparently he was expanding his company into a tour dealership and wanted to give off the image that he was a 'family man.' He was anything but. In all honesty I was so tired. I had spent most of Friday night (as I usually do) tossing and turning, anxious for another ill-spent Saturday and Sunday with him, and you could tell, otherwise I would have never answered back.

"But dad, I'm really tired. Could I please just stay at home? Just for once." I said, rememberin my manners at the end.

"Tired?" He frowned deeply "What do you have to be tired about? You don't have a job, go to work, provide for your ungrateful daughter-

"But no I didn't mean!-

"I ask you to do one, simple thing and you already start complaining." He shakes his head, beginning to head over to his office with his coffee

"I just didn't sleep well last night." I mumbled

"You think I sleep well?" He snapped, turning back around "You think I wouldn't like to do what you do all day, just sit around like a lethargic blob. Some of us actually have responsbilities Y/N. That's what the real world is. Wake. Up."

While I was getting changed into smarter clothing, I wondered what I was thinking asking him anyway. Maybe he was right, I was being lazy. I had everything. The least I could do was go with him, right?

I wore some smart brown trousers, along with a lighter brown cardigan. My father inspected me as I put my shoes on.
"Well, at least the trousers are baggy, they make you look slim. Eh chubby minx?" He pulled on one of my cheeks playfully. I smiled, but it didn't reach my yes. They rarely did.

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