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Skye's POV

"Im going to deal with you, right after i've had some breakfast."
As I untangled myself from the vines that were Chaz's arms I stood up straight pretended to flick some dirt off my shoulder and walked into the kitchen. But not before turning around at the doorway to give Mike a deathstare.

I actually needed to go to the kitchen to make some preparations of what I was gonna do to Mike, although making lunch? breakfast? I dunno either way it was a good excuse to find everything I need.
I felt an involuntary grin spread across my face as I got stuck into making a bunch of sandwhiches.
Once I had plated them up on a nice platter that im suprised Chaz even has, in nice piles which I had already eaten several of as well as a lot of the ingredients I walked out to give them to the guys.
"Looks like I made a few too many, do you guys want some?"
Both Chaz and Mike's heads turned simultaneously at the mention of food. The previous scene completely obliterated from Mike's mind as I had expected from the focus of video games and the time lapse between the two. Sometimes I love how easily distracted and dull people can be (A/N Skye has no idea how much of a genius Mike grows up to be haha).

"Thanks" they both said with mouths full of food and crumbs falling out while they did so.
"No problem guys, I thought you might be hungry after all that gaming."
"Have you had something to eat babe?" Chaz asked looking up at me and back to his nearly nonexistent third sandwhich.
"Yeah I ate while I was making them." I smiled appreciating his thoughtfullness.
"These are great what did you put in them?" Mike asked taking his time to enjoy his second helping.
"Eh you know a bunch of random tasty stuff"
Mike finished that one and took a bite of the next one, after picking it up, holding it at arms length and admiring it from that distance.
"Whoa this one's got the perfect amount of heat, not too subtle not too hot."
I watched his face twist as I sat on the arm of the couch. "Ahhh maybe a bit too much heat actually." He commented placing the already half eaten sandwhich in his lap.
"Oww okay why is it still getting hot."
He slowly picked it up from his lap and opened it after looking from me to the platter and back again. I pretended not to notice his concern as I took a lot of interest in the sandwhich I had just picked up even though I was not hungry at all.
Chaz was a bit busy stuffing his face to realise either.
"Hey what is this!??"
"Huh? is it too hot for you, let me get you some water" I said grinning. Chaz looked up from his food and started taking it in his surroundings as I got up to walk into the kitchen.

I came back weighed down by the water I was holding. Chaz was outside with a very red looking Mikey facing away from me. Chaz looked up as I stepped through the door they had convineintly left open. He smiled and helped me hover it above Mike before tipping the whole thing over a very unsuspecting blue haired figure. The ice went sliding in every direction across the concrete. We let the bucket drop to the floor but you couldnt really hear its impact over the sounds of Mikes howling.

Me n Chaz cracked up laughing, holding our sides in what seemed like silence. I couldnt hear myself think and I dont think Chaz was having any luck with that either. It was okay though coz we were too busy focusing on the pain of our stitches.

Mike turned around in his soggy clothes and gave us both a glare but it quickly turned into a smile. He then sloshed his way over to the hose which seemed silly but then I realised that tap water would be warmer than the icey water.
He took his shirt off and rung it out. More water than I thought was possible started dripping to the ground. There was a fairly decent sized puddle at his feet before he was finished.
It was after quite a few minutes of choking on our laughter later that Mike decided to speak.
"Was that wasabi?" I nodded in reply grinning.
"How much did you use?"
"Not enough" I said straight faced. "Consider that as payback for calling me pumpkin pie" I exclaimed gleefully.
Chaz shuffled his feet and coughed.
We both looked at him.
"Hey Skye?" He asked looking at me suspiciously.
"How did you who was gonna eat it?"

*Sorry for taking ages guys I had exam preparations and exams to do. Uber stressful but comment and vote for motivation cos I am determined to get the next chapter up soon! :)*

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