Red emerald

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I get up from my bed and go about my morning routine. Then I go to my kitchen and grab an apple from the fruit bowl.

" I have to eat something decent. " I haven't eaten in weeks, and when I say " food " I mean blood. I have to feed on blood so I can use my powers. So I feed on the blood of small animals, it tastes horrible but I got used to the bad blood of small animals. I can survive without drinking blood, and live without powers.

I had no problem not feeding on blood, but my stomach said otherwise. I'm hungry for blood but I've learned to control my hunger.

With the apple in my hand, I leave my den. Yes, I live in a hole in the ground. I don't mind, it's comfortable. I have my things and my place hidden from the world. Of course, I'm caught by surprise with some skunks under the bed, but I even made friends with some.

I place my hands against the ground and stretch, making my fur stand on end a little.

I walk slowly through the forest, until I reach a small crystal clear lake. With the apple already eaten, I look at the lake and think:

' Lunch. '

I approach the edge of the lake. I observe the lake in silence, I was totally focused on some sign of life within that lake. I hear the water lapping against itself and see a fish swimming across the surface of the water. My eyes fixed on the fish, it was swimming slowly across the surface, not noticing the presence of (m/s).

' I'll get you. '

With a quick jump into the water, I catch the fish in my mouth.
"I got it." My voice kind of muffled because of the fish in my mouth. I climb out of the lake and sit down on a rock, trying not to shake my fur.

With the fish in my hand, I take a bite of the fish's head while it's still alive. I don't mind eating him alive. My stomach grateful that I had eaten something decent.

I sit and watch the landscape. It was a beautiful place, the birds singing and the butterflies dancing through the branches of the trees. I can say that I was calm at that moment.

I close my eyes and enjoy the silence of the environment. Only to be interrupted by my fur standing on end.

' What? '

I look towards the trees and see a crow in a tree not far from me.

" Oh it's you. " I say watching the bird, it watches me and starts to fly into the forest.

' Uhh, I think he wants me to follow him into the woods. '

I get up and walk slowly looking for the black bird. I find him flying over a bush with only one live rose.

" What do we have here? " I go to the bush and lightly touch the rose petals.

" Are you alone little one? " I am interrupted by the bird's squeak. I look up and see him scratching the branch he was on.

" Digging?" I look down at the ground and feel a small shock wave coming from the ground. With my claws, I start digging under the lone rose bush. After digging for a few minutes, I see a red light coming out of the hole I had dug from.

" How? " I dig faster only to find a big red emerald.

" An emerald? " I take it in my hands, and realize how light it was. She was too big for an emerald.

"It would make a great ring." I laugh at my bad joke, only to hear the bird squeak with a disapproving tone.

" What? It was a good joke. " I say to the crow, which flew out. " That's right! Leave me here talking to myself. " I look again at the emerald in my hands.

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