~ interrogation ~

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Down a couple oh halls back in the meeting room only two were still there. Which it wasnt the queen or king, not the princes, not even Karl or George. Dream and Sapanp stayed. Why? Well its simple. Dream needed to talk to Sapnap. He was the guard that thought y/n was innocent. I mentioned this earlier but you didnt know what guard it was. Well now you know. Dream saw y/n come in to the ball. As a guard that is at the entrance during the Spring Ball you are to let only people in that you think wont do any harm. Y/n just seemed so excited to come in. Dream took her to the entrance like any other guard would. A smile spread over her face when she got to the doors. It was an excited smile, like this is the only thing she'd been dreaming of. Which it was.

Dream told all of this to Sapnap. He was spectical but he also didnt pay attention to y/n at the ball. But one thing stayed on his mind. The necklace. Why had she escaped? If she knew she was innocent would the right thing to do was be easy? Well thats not what went through y/n's head in that moment. What went through her head is simple. She thought this: Im going to get killed, their going to kill me, I have to get out of here or Im dead, but I didnt do this, it doesnt matter get out!

Thats what the girl thought. But where she is now? Walking through the castle halls not knowing where she is or where shes going. She wanted out of the castle. Out beyond Nazzulia Kingdom out somewhere where y/n wasnt a thief, or a convicted murderer, or a poor girl with no family. Out where she could be herself. In Nazzulia Kingdom she faked everything. Her entire life she told was fake. Her story was that both of her parents died leaving all the riches to her. She was wealthy but didnt show it. And the ast thing she lied about was her confidence. She had no confidence in herself but she lied to herself and others saying she walked with her chin held high. What a lie.


Y/n's tears had stopped. Her cheeks were still flushed red even if she had stopped crying. Down the hall, around a corner, Ranboo was walking but on a new mission. The king and queen had dissmissed him because they knew Techno would find y/n. Ranboo was still looking for the girl but for Dream and Sapnap instead.

Y/n stopped walking and leaned against the wall. She sighed but then heard footsteps near the corner. Her hand shot to the necklace but realized it wasnt there.

"Techno," she murmured, her hand staying at her neck even if the pendant wasnt there.

"Y/n?" the boys voice sounded as he rounded the corner, "Oh there you are!"

Y/n looked at Ranboo. He was still looking for her for the king and queen she thought.

"Your presence is requested," Ranboo said putting his hand to y/n.

The girl stared at his hand not knowing what to do. She looked back up at the hybrid and he nodded to his hand. Y/n grabbed his hand and everything started moving. The air around her started swirling and it felt like they were spinning. Small purple particles were racing around y/n's vision. The terrain around the two had all swirled. This is only lasted for a few seconds but to someone who had never teleported with an enderman it felt like years. When y/n teleported with her necklace it was smooth, probably because it was an end crystal. But when she teleported with her necklace many times it was just like a poof of purple surrounding her vision then she was somewhere random. It wasnt swirls of everything around her. Now she was somewhere she didnt know but her feet touched ground.

The girl stumbled into someone who caught her. She glanced around in an unknown room, well not room, place. Glancing around the girl reconized the place. It was the garden shed been looking down at the night everything changed. After sighing she stepping away from who ever had caught her. Y/n looked at the people around her. Dream was the one closest to her, the one who caught her. Sapnap was standing behind him with no expression. To the left of y/n Ranboo was standing off to the side.

"I thought the king and queen needed me?" the girl asked pushing her hair out of her face.

"They did, then we needed you," Sapnap said looking at Ranboo who then teleported away.

"So what do you want?"

"We just have some question," Dream said behind his mask.

"And what if I dont answer?" y/n smirked slightly, her sarcasm coming back even if not that long ago she was crying.

Dream laughed a little under his mask pulling something out of his pocket, "We can find a way to destroy this," the glowing pendant swayed in the air.

Y/n's eyes went wide. She thought Technoblade still had the necklace, "Fine."

The girl hated giving in to the guards but she had no choice otherwise her life could be destroyed in a matter of seconds. She sat on a small bench near the koi pond in the garden. A small oak tree sat behind the bench over looking it and the pond. It was nice shade but the castle wall around the garden aslo served as shade. Dream and Sapnap were still standing. Sapnap still had an expressionless face. Guess being a guard without a mask he had to learn to keep a straight face. Dream didnt have to worry about that. His mask always had a smile. Y/n stared at him wondering if anyone had ever seen his face. Then the questions came. The first one caught y/n off guard.

"Whered you get the pendant?" Sapnap asked.


"We ask the questions not you, whered you get the pendant?" Dream snapped.

"It was gift from my mother before she died. And before you ask no I dont know where sho got it," y/n answered slightly glaring at Dream.

"An end crytals in it right?" y/n nodded, "So do you control it with the end language?" Dream asked peering at the small crystal.

"Have I ever used the end language? No, so it doesnt go by the end language it goes by touch, my touch," the girl said, which wasnt a complete lie.

"Why'd you teleport away when we were surrounding you on the night of the ball?" this time Sapnap aksed the question again.

"Becuase I was scared. What girl on her first time at the Spring Ball gets surrounded by guards after a prince is poisoned? How would you react if that was you? Oh wait you cant becuase you have the perfect little life as a fucking guard. Im done," y/n said getting up from the bench and walking toward the glass doors that lead back into the castle.

"Not so fast," Dream said grabbing y/n's left elbow.

"Let go," she sneered yanking her elbow but the guard had a strong grip.

Dream let go and y/n glared at him before walking out of the garden.

"Why'd you let her go?" Sapnap asked.

Dream just looked at him and before walking out leaving Sapnap in the garden.

Happy Easter you get a chapter! Thats this chapter its kinda boring tbh but I felt like it was needed. It explains some things I guess. Anyways short author note so good morning/day/night wherever you are!

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