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Meanwhile in a barren wasteland, there was a big, tall and dark castle and inside that castle, lies the tyrannical king of Wonderland, Dio.

Inside the castle, Vanilla Ice, a very tall, muscular man with wavy collarbone length hair

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Inside the castle, Vanilla Ice, a very tall, muscular man with wavy collarbone length hair. He wears a pair of metallic heart-shaped earrings, and a light headpiece carrying a heart crossing his forehead. His outfit consists of a dark leather tailed, open, waistcoat on top of a long-sleeved leotard. Across his right shoulder is a metallic strap connected to a large heart over his right breast and the letters "VI". There is a smaller heart at the base of his abdomen, secured by a band around his waist acting as a belt. Bare-legged, he wears dark, mid-calf height boots, makes his way up the stairs and kneels at the one step before the throne. "My lord, Pet Shop and his stand Horus have perished by the hands of the one they call "Speedwagon." The king remained silent. "How are we to retaliate?" Vanilla questioned his king. Dio continued to remain silent for a moment until he finally speaks. "Who?" He asked. "Speedwagon, one of the queens thralls." Vanilla answered him. "Bring Enya to me." Dio commanded. Vanilla Ice obeyed and left the throne room to go find Enya the Hag. As Vanilla was walking the corridor, he started a conversation in his mind. 'Why was Pet Shop killed in the first place? He had to be chasing something or some one new to be killed out of the blue like that.' As he continues his way through the castle hallways, he arrives to Enya's chamber. He opens the chamber door and enters. "Enya, lord Dio requests an audience with you." He walks into the chamber only to find a strange fog filling every corner of the room. "Using your stand again are you, Enya?" Vanilla would then hear wicked laughter from a distance. "You know me all to well Ice." Out from the fog, came a small elderly woman with large, puffy white hair and two pigtails. She holds a rather large club for her use as a cane with her two right hands. Her wrinkled face is dominated by her large eyes and toothless mouth and wears large baggy robes. "My stand Justice is getting stronger and stronger everyday." Enya boasts. "I've come to inform you that Lord Dio require's your presence." Vanilla informed Enya. They both then leave Enya's chamber but as the fog disappears, all of the household appliances and a cauldron started to fade away. Vanilla notices. "An illusion? I take it as a part of your stands' abilities?" Vanilla questioned Enya. "Oh, yes, yes. In fact, my stand is so powerful, its illusion fog has spread all of Wonderland!" Enya continues to boasts again. "All of that boasting will be your undoing. Don't become overconfident while in the face of the enemy, unless your victory is assured." Vanilla warned Enya. "No need to worry Ice, there's no stand that will come to as powerful as mine." Enya then lets out another wicked laugh. They both soon arrive to the throne room and Ice keeled before Dio. "Lord Dio I've brought Enya as you have requested." He informed Dio. "Leave us." He simply commanded. Vanilla heeds his command and exits the throne room. "Enya, as you may or may not know, the falcon Pet Shop has fallen by the hands of Speedwagon." Enya was surprised and shocked at Dio's bombshell. "Pet Shop? Dead? But how?! What are we to do?!" Dio raised his hand as a command for Enya's silence. "For now, we will buy our time, send out your fog puppets to deal with them." "Yes, Lord Dio." Enya begins to leave but a question popped in her mind. "Lord Dio if I may? Could that mysterious thing Pet Shop was chasing after be -." Before Enya could finish, she was interrupted by Dio. "No. For all we know this random person could be anyone, it's probably not even a Hamon or a Stand User. A nobody and nothing more. Not worth my attention." Enya obeyed his previous command and exists the room. Dio hunched on his throne and interlocked his fingers. "Joestars. Ever bothersome they are." Back out in the dark forest, Jouta, still on the ground is still staring in shock and still trying to process of all what just happened. "Well mate, what's it gonna be? You comin' or what?" Speedwagon asked again. Jouta was still in shock after what he had just witnessed. First he was being chased by some freaky bird, them some random guy in a buzzsaw top hat decapitates it. Speedwagon grew tired of waiting for a response. "Well suit y'self, the lest you could do is say thanks." As he says that, he turs his back on Jouta and begins to walk away. Jouta had a sudden realization that his only exit out of this forest was walking away. "Wait! Wait!" Speedwagon stops and turns his attention towards Jouta. "Can you... help me up?" Speedwagon looks at his leg wound, sighs and walks over to help him up. He puts Jouta's arm over his shoulder and started walking. "Oi, by the way, you got an name?." "Cujo, Jouta Cujo." "Why didn't you use your stand against ol' bird brains back there?" Speedwagon asked. "My what?" Jouta questioned. "Your sta—." Speedwagon stopped in mid sentence as he heard a twig snap in the distance. "What? What's wrong?" Jouta asks in growing concern. "I thought I heard something..." Speedwagon started scanning the forest, the fog in the forest started to form surround them. Jouta turns his head and see's a human figure walking towards them. "Hey look! Another person! He's probably lost too! we should help him. Hello! *Jouta waves his hand* Are you lost? Over here!" Soon more and more human figures appeared from the fog, all of them walking as if their legs have fallen asleep and will never wake up. "Huh. Why are they all walking like that?" Speedwagon's turns his head and looked at the people and eyes widen as he knew who those figures of the fog really was. "Bloody ell', we need to move! Now!" Speedwagon began to move faster while Jouta struggled to keep up with him, giving his recent injury. "Hey! What are you doing? They probably need our help!" "Look alive Master Cujo, those creatures are not people. Rather, those are manifested puppets of that ol' hags' stand. Don't let those things bite or inflict any kind of wound on you or the stand will take complete control of you and will turn you into one of them for all eternity." "What?! Oh god that's awful! What are we gonna do?!" Jouta asks as he panicked. "Calm down! We just need to get the queens' castle, it's a safe haven there, away from these undead bastards!" They both kept on running and running while the fog became more and more dense and hard to see through. "I can't see! How do you know where we're going?!" Speedwagon ignored Jouta and kept on running in the same direction until up ahead He spots a gate. "Look! The gate to the castle! We're almost there!" As they both get closer and closer, Speedwagon grabs the gate and gets ready to open it. But before he could open it, Jouta felt a tug on his leg. He looks at his leg to see what's tugging on his leg. To his surprise, he found a stream of fog flowing through the injury on his leg. "What the hell is that?" It pulls and pulls until Jouta falls to the ground and starts being dragged like a rag doll across the ground towards the fog zombies. "Speedwagon! help!" Jouta screams as he reaches out to Speedwagon. Speedwagon looks to see Jouta on the ground being dragged away as he cries for help. He quickly reaches for his hand and grabs and tries his very best to not let go. "Hold on! Hold on!" Speedwagon struggles to hold onto Jouta and the gate to the castle simultaneously, not to mention that the zombies we're closing in on them. They draw nearer and nearer until they became no longer that 2 feet from them. Jouta starts to become claustrophobic, he started breathing heavily, the racing beat of his heart pulsated under his fingertips. He shuts his eyes and screams. "Get away from me!" Suddenly, greenish sparks filled the air as a full translucent body emerged from Jouta's body and starts fending off the soulless ghouls. "URYAYAYAYAYAYA! URYAAAAA!" The spirit shouts as it throws multiple punches simultaneously to the ghouls, sending them flying into the fogged woods. "URYA!" Said the spirit once again as it severs the streaming fogs' grip on Joutas' injured leg. The spirit then fades back to Jouta's body.  Both Speedwagon and Jouta took in heavy breaths as they try to calm down. "You could've done that earlier?" Speedwagon asked breathless and sarcastically. "Earlier? I couldn't figure out how I did it the first time!" Jouta exclaimed breathless. "Whatever, let's just go in before more of them come."  Speedwagon then opens the gate and the both entered the castle grounds.

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