2-The Fall

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As Jouta and Dai were walking to their class, the one minute bell ringed. When they heard the bell, they stated dashing through the hallway in hoping of getting to class on time. As they were arriving to their class, the teacher was closing the door. Dai notices the door and shouted, "Jouta, the door!" He saw the door was closing, he was so close so he extends his right leg to use his foot, but as he was trying to stop the door, a translucent green leg appeared and stopped the door. When Jouta reached the door, he was confused because of these disappearing and reappearing body parts. As he was questioning these strange translucent appendages, his thoughts were interrupted by his teacher. "Cutting it kind of close don't you think, Mr. Cujo?" His teacher, Aoi Hachiro asked. Jouta look up to him and responded with. "Huh? Oh yeah, I think so too." "I'll excuse you and your companion this time but, I expect the BOTH of you to have better arrival timing to my class. Am I understood?" Jouta and Dai both replied. "Yes, thank you Mr. Hachiro." He thens steps aside and opens the door wider to let both of his late students in his classroom. Once they both entered the class, they both took their seats next to each other and Mr. Hachrio begun his lesson. "Alright class, as you may or may have forgotten, we have a test today. But before we get into that, we will be going over a couple of important notes that will help you." As he was explaining his lesson before the test, Jouta and Dai developed a little side conversation of their own. "Jouta, do you have the notes for this test?" Dai asked. "I didn't study, what made you think that I've taken notes?" "I dunno, you're looking at it now and it was a pretty dumb question." As Mr. Hachiro was about to wrap up his lecture Jouta and Dai has decided on a last minute plan. "Wing it?" Dai suggested. "Wing it." Jouta agreed. "Alright students, I will now pass out your tests and you may begin once you have yours, you will have till the end of class to complete it, good luck." Mr. Hachiro announced. With that being said, he then proceeds to pass out the tests to his students. When Mr. Hachiro gave Jouta and Dai's tests they soon began. As they we're testing, Jouta took some guesses and some answers that made a little more sense than the others. Dai on the other hand is trying to sneak some peeks on the other students tests. There was 5 minutes left in class and every one has finished. When Mr. Hachiro picked up everyones tests, they all started having overlapping conversations. "Jouta, how'd you think you did?" Dai asked. "I dunno, probably bad." While they were still talking about the test, the bell ringed and all the students exited the classroom, but Jouta and Dai decided to hang back and chat a little bit. "Man it sucks that we don't have more classes together." "I know it does, alright I'll see ya after school." "See ya." The gave each other a fist bump and then parted ways to their next class. On his way to class, Jouta's encounter with Buta was replaying in his mind wishing that he had decked him right in his stupid face but to his surprise, he has already arrived at his designated classroom. He enters the classroom and to his surprise again, he saw Yuki again and to his luck, the seat next to her was empty. Jouta was enlighten of the opportunity that was given to him to finally talk to her, but, he was holding himself back because of his own low confidence, he was going to find another seat but he then remembers what Dai told him from this morning *Jouta stop doubting yourself. Look, talking to a girl is like... like a leap of faith, you'll never know what'll happen.* "He's right, I gotta have confidence." With that being said, he made his way to Yuki. He walks up to her table and took a seat next to her. He darts his eyes from her to looking down to his side of the two person table. Jouta was thinking very carefully of his words for his first introduction to her. He clears his throat. *Ahem* "Hi." He says with a voice crack, she looks at him and giggled. Jouta thought to himself *Ah crap, where the hell did that voice crack come from. Thats never happened before, ok it's fine, it's fine, just try something else.* "Hey." He says with a deep voice. She laughs while answering "What?" They then introduce themselves to each other. "I'm Jouta." "I'm Yuki." "Huh, thats a nice name." She smiles cheerfully. As their class go on, they converse on various topics that they have in common. After the class ended he pulled her to the side to ask her a question. "Yuki...would you like to...maybe...y'know...hang out or...something if you like?" She answered. "Sure, tomorrow after school?" "Yeah, sounds like a plan." They soon say their goodbyes and parted ways, but what they didn't realize was that Buta was watching and listening the entire time when they were talking outside of the classroom. When Jouta was walking away, Buta gave him a angry and jealous look but quickly turned into a sinister glint in his eyes for what he has planned for him after school. After a long day of school, it was finally over and Jouta was waiting for Dai to walk home together, but he was taking a long time. He soon assumed that he had after school activities so he left to walk home all by himself. As he was walking, he was reminiscing the chat he had with Yuki, he was overjoyed and was full of pride that he finally mustard all the strength, courage and confidence to talk and ask her to hang out but all of his happy thoughts were interrupted by an unexpected appearance by Buta when he stepped from the tree in front of Jouta. "Hey bud, you enjoy your little chitchat with my girl? If I remembered correctly, I told you that she's mine and to back off." Jouta had a rebuttal and said. "And I remember telling YOU that she doesn't belong to anybody." "Regardless, I warned you and told you that I got dibs." "Well I ignored them, oh well better luck next time." After that witty remark, Jouta attempts to leave but was stopped by two people of his age. "You didn't tell me you were bringing friends Buta, and why is that? You couldn't take me on yourself?" Jouta asked tauntingly. Buta and his cronies start to close in on Jouta, one of them was cracking his knuckles and at the very last minute, Jouta threw the first punch at Buta. He was a little stunned after that unanticipated attack, his posey then began to gang up on Jouta, it was a 4 way rumble. Jouta fought them off the best he could, but was overwhelmed with the uneven odds. "Grab him!" Buta ordered his minions to do, they grabbed Jouta and held him to make sure that he doesn't get away. He struggles to get free but they wouldn't budge. "I've about had enough of lookin' at ya stupid face." Buta said. He then reached for his pocket and pulled out a switchblade. Jouta was still struggling to break free from the two thugs clutches. When he looked up and saw Buta walking towards with a knife, he froze in fear and becomes more desperate to escape. "Let me go! Let me go you bastards!" Jouta demanded but to no avail. As Buta draws closer to him, he grabs his shirt and ran the knife down the right side of his face, he had a psychotic look in his eye and said. "When I'm done with you, everyone in the school, Dai, Yuki, and even your mom will call you by your new name, Scarface." That threat was followed up with a sinister and crazy smile. Jouta's adrenaline went into overdrive, he was even more desperate, he closed his eyes in hopes of all of this was a nightmare in which he will wake up from. When all seemed lost something in Jouta's mind... snapped, he opened his eyes and looked at Buta with fire in his eyes. Two translucent arms reappeared only this time it revealed its full form, though it was only visible to Jouta, he figured that it was only visible to him because if Buta had saw it, he would've backed off. "URYA! URYA!" The bizarre green spirit shouted as it threw two punches to the thugs that was holding Jouta. Those two blows to each thug sent them flying and when they landed, they were knocked out cold. Buta was shocked and confused to his sent away cronies, lying on the ground motionless. He darted his head left to right and said. "What the hell was that?! How did they—? How'd you—?" Before Buta could finish his line of questions, he was hit with a barrage of punches from thin air. "URYAYAYAYAYYAYAYA!" The spirit shouted. The spirit then prepares for one last punch. "URYAAAA!" The spirit roared as it land the final blow right in Buta's face. The spirit the begins fade away to Jouta's body, he was to tired and angry to notice where the spirit had gone to. Jouta was panting and trying to readjust his vision for it was blurring. Once his sight had readjust, he looked at the 3 motionless bodies spread across the ground. Jouta was mortified of what he had done, his mind and his heart was racing, sweat was raining all over his face, and his mind was overwhelmed with questions of what to do and what not to do. "Oh my god... OH MY— what do I do?! Did I kill them!? Do I call for help?! No, if I do that, they'll blame me and I'll go to jail an—." "Hey! You there! Are you and those other young men ok?" Jouta was interrupted by a distant human figure which happens to be a local neighborhood cop. Jouta looked at the bodies and then the cop and looked behind him and saw the wood, he took one last look at the cop, took two step back and ran into the woods. "Hey, Stop!" The cop demanded, he then began give chase. While Jouta was running away from the cop in the woods, he couldn't believe what was happening to him and said to himself. "I can't believe this. First: I got ganged up by Buta and his lackeys, then, they got killed by some ghost, and now I'm running away from the cops! In one day! What the hell is happening?!" After what feels like 30 minutes of running, he was getting tired and decided to stop and hide, he looked for a place to hide and to his surprise, he found a rather large and old oak tree. He goes behind the tree and hides behind it and holds his breath as he hears the cop footsteps as he was looking for him. He then sat down to catch his breath and said to himself. "Maybe I should stop and turn my self in and try to clear my name...unless...thats what they want me to do so they could build up a case big enough to put me in jail and there's a trial and—." Jouta's self conversation was cut short when the ground below started to sink and eventually collapse beneath him which causes him to fall, his screams as he was falling fill the hole as his voice fades away as he disappeared without a trace.

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