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♪ Outside the Tsuzumi Mansion ♪

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♪ Outside the Tsuzumi Mansion ♪

"A mansion? In a forest? What a naturalist."

Yes, you read correctly.

Y/N, Tanjiro, amd Zenitsu were standing in front of giant mansion in the middle of a forest.

"I can smell blood."

Y/N looked over at Tanjiro, confused.

Y/N couldn't smell anything.

"You smell something?" Zenitsu asked.

"Yes, but it's a whole new smell."

"I don't know about that, but what about that sound?"

Y/N looked over at Zenitsu, confused.

Y/N couldn't hear anything.

"What were you superhuman freaks talking about? I can't hear nothin'!"

But honestly, Y/N can't really talk, her inhuman strength and endurance is uncanny.

Y/N looked to the side to see two kids, hugging each other tightly, scared out of their minds. They flinched once they made eye contact.

Y/N tugged Tanjiro's sleeve.

"Yes, Y/N?" He asked before following her line of sight.

"K-Kids?" Zenitsu stated the obvious.

"I wonder what's wrong."

Tanjiro, friendliest cinnamon roll, walked closer to the trembling kids.

"Hi,, is there a reason you're out here by yourselves?" He asked.

The two kids only shivered some more. Tanjiro smiled before kneeling down to their height.

"Wanna see something cool?" He asked before revealing Zenitsu tiny sparrow, Chuntaro. "I pulled a Sparrow our of thin air!" He exclaimed, calming the kids down, making them relax some.

But when Tanjiro smiles at you, who doesn't relax?

Y/N blinked at them. Tanjiro's really good with kids.

"What happened? Is this your house?" Tanjiro asked.

"No. No, it's not." The boy replied. He had black hair and orange eyes that changed to yellow as they went down the pupil. He wore a green and blue kimono. "This...This is a monster's house! Our big brother got taken away. When we were walking at night, this monster we'd never seen showed up. It didn't even give us a glance, just our brother."

"Are they inside that house?"


"So you followed them here? That's brave of you." Tanjiro praised them, softly.

"We followed the traces of his blood. He's injured."

"Kay!" Y/N exclaimed all of sudden, earning attention. She punched his fist into her palm, a determined grin on her face. "All we gotta do is beat up the demon and we'll get their brother back!" She shouted. Tanjiro smiled and nodded.

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