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a/n: hi! guys, two chapters in one day, i'm amazing, ik~ but this one is trash because i don't like mount natagumo arc like that, if i'm being honest

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a/n: hi! guys, two chapters in one day, i'm amazing, ik~ but this one is trash because i don't like mount natagumo arc like that, if i'm being honest. it's not a favorite. but i'll try my best to give you guys some entertainment!

anyway, enjoy~

"Yo, lady, have you seen Zenitsu?"

Mother gasped as she heard the sudden question. Her head snapped towards the direction of Y/N, who had just been wandering around aimlessly around Mount Natagumo. Mother's eyes bulged in utter shock. 

No one is supposed to be here! How did this random girl not get killed by at least one of her puppets?! In fact, how did she not notice her?! There's no way she should be coming up to her so casually!

"He has yellow hair, the ends a bit orange. His haori has triangles and is yellow. He's a demon slayer." Y/N told her, not alarmed at all at the fact that she was talking to a demon.

"H-How did you get here?!" She asked, pulling her legs closer to her chest. Y/N blinked.

"I walked."

Mother tensed at the response. Her sarcasm was not a good thing (it wasn't sarcasm).

"There was another way to get here?"

What was she going to do? She didn't have any puppet's nearby! Who was supposed to protect her? It was all Rui's fault for making her panicked! What was she supposed to do?

What if she died?




Then... she would be free.

"Lady? How come you look so sad?"

Mother flinched as she snapped out of her thoughts to see Y/N sitting on her rock, right next to her. How did she get here all of a sudden? Mother touched her neck, expecting it to be cut off by now. She blinked as she felt nothing at all.

Why wasn't she dead?

"A-Aren't you going to kill me?" She asked, hesitation thick in her voice. Y/N tilted her head and gave a smile.

"Because you haven't told me where Zenitsu is yet, shishishi~!" Y/N laughed even thought that made it even more threatening. Mother flinched even though being next to the girl somehow prevents her from being terrified.

Something about Y/N kept her feeling... safe.

"I... I don't know where your 'Zenitsu' is." She answered, nervous about her reaction.




"Aw, dammit. Where could he be?" Y/N muttered. "So why are you here? Did you get lost too?"

That was it...? Mother was honestly expecting her to die at that very moment. To think she was now having a casual conversation with the enemy.

"N-No. I live here... Y-Y'know, I'm a demon, right?"




"Wait, really?" Y/N asked, actually surprised. "WAIT FOR REAL??"

"... Are you kidding or just stupid...?"

"I think I did a good job, shishishi~!"

Y/N poured some water on the ground, so Mother could look at her reflection. She leaned forward to see her hair in a loose braid that looked pretty bad and really weird. It took Mother a good minute to realize it was a braid.

She looked up at Y/N.

"I hate it."

"Hahahahaha~! You're so funny, shishishi~!" Y/N laughed at Mother's disgusted expression. The demon's expression softened at the girl's joyous face.

After spending a good fifteen minutes with Y/N, Mother realized Y/N is not a person to get upset easily at any criticism or honest opinion.

She was actually really pleasant person to be around.



"You need to... to kill me."





Mother looked up at Y/N in astonishment at the usually happy girl's stern and serious expression. Her eyes were emotionless as if all the joy just left in an instance.

"You have to!"


"Y/N, I'm a demon and you're a demon slayer! It's your job!" Mother protested, tears entering her eyes. Why won't she just do it?! Why was she hesitating?! Why does she have to be so stubborn?!


"You don't have a choice!"


"Please... just kill me..." Mother cried, tears falling from her eyes, she was making this harder than it had to be. Y/N hesitated as she looked at Mother's pitiful expression of crying and tears. She grabbed Mother's long jacket and put it over her own red hoari before putting her sword on Mother's neck. "Huh?"

Mother looked up in confusion to see Y/N's big smile.

"I don't like this, but... if it makes you happy... I'll make sure you won't die alone!"


With a swift slice, Mother's head fell down onto the ground, a smile on her face.  

"Thank you..."

"Hmph, I'm gonna go find those pieces of sh!t who made my friend want to die."

Y/N stomped through the mountain, clinging to Mother's own haori. Mother had told her about her trash 'family' and how they made her feel scared even though she was not even that mean.

So, as payback for making her friend upset, Y/N's walking around here, ready to kick their asses. 

Not to mention, she told her somebody strong was here.

"Time to test my strength!!"

And with that, she ran through the mountains, eager to snatch some knees!


taisho era secret!

y/n actually keeps mother's jacket in the future. she doesn't wear it, but she keeps it with her friends back at the straw hat crew. it just sits in y/n's room though, since she can't go there too often.

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