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"Tanjiro. Tanjiro. Tanjiro. Tanjiro."

Tanjiro eyes fluttered up gently as  he looked up to see Y/N sitting beside him. She had been poking his face, trying to wake him up. It was literally 1 A.M. and this girl was bothering him. Tanjiro, being pure-hearted, didn't see it that way.

"Y/N? Why are you awake? Is everything alright?" Tanjiro asked, slowly sitting up. Y/N shook her head. "What's wrong?" The girl had a frown on her face as she grabbed his hand and brought him into the hallway. "Huh? Y/N, where are we going?"

Y/N couldn't believe this.

Y/N couldn't believe the absolute bullsh!t in front of her.

The food storage room has metal bars strapped to the door. The lock was securely tightened and the metal bars had been heated up to make sure they burned whenever someone touched them.

That tiny wisteria lady and the chef had gone through so much to make sure no food gets stolen.

The group had been there for a while, and the lady had noticed something. At nighttime, somebody had been going into the kitchen and stealing all the food. ALL of it. There wouldn't even be a slice of bread left.

Now that old lady helps slayers, and she respects them, of course.

But her entire food supply isn't a midnight snack.

Not to mention, the chef is so done with having to get new ingredients everyday.

So this time, they went to the extremes for their midnight snacker.

Aka Y/N.

In all honesty, this wasn't anything new for Y/N. Sanji would put up bars on the food storages all the time. The only reason Y/N was upset was because she had already brought down the defenses. How were they already back up?!

"Y/N, what's going on?"

"That stupid old lady won't let me get food! She's trying to starve me, Tanjiro!" Y/N cried as she clung to Tanjiro's sleeve as he sweatdropped.

"Come on, Y/N, that can't be the reason." Tanjiro told her, a soft smile on his face as he patted her head.

"Uh huh!" Y/N frowned even deeper. "You haven't even seen the worst of it." Tanjiro gave a confused look.

The girl walked up to the door and reeled back her fist. With a quick and swift punch, Y/N broke the entire door down, making it pop out of place and crash onto the floor. Tanjiro's eyes bulged. He didn't know what was more insane; the fact that she completely demolished that door in one punch or the complete lack of respect for other people's property!

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