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cw: mild sex scenes? or implied, at least. they are both over 16 (which is the age of consent in the uk- but it isn't everywhere)

'Alone here in the kitchen,
I feel there's something missing,
I'd beg for some forgiveness,
But begging's not my business
And she won't write a letter
Although I always tell her.'

The next morning, Remus and Carina ended up outside Vivienne's house. There was a posh car parked outside, definitely belonging to a Muggle. Remus whistled lowly as they passed it, stopping at the end of the path.

"We can go home if you want to," Remus whispered, putting his hand on Carinas shoulder.

"It's okay. I'm okay," Carina murmured, putting her hand over his.

"I'll be right here if you need me."

"I won't be in there for long," Carina sighed, approaching the door.

She knocked hesitantly, and heard shuffling from the inside, followed by shouts;

"Viv! Viv, come down!"

It was a man's voice.

Not like that's unusual, the slut.

Vivienne didn't answer the man's shouts, so he opened the door.

"Oh, shit, it's you," he said. "Vivienne, now! It's your daughter!"

Carina scowled at that, and the man looked at her with a confused expression.

Vivienne came down the stairs, her face unreadable.

"Hello, mother," Carina said, crossing her arms.

Vivienne rushed towards, and pulled Carina into a very tight hug.

"Oh, Carina, darling," she whispered, stroking Carina's hair.

There it was again. The emptiness, the longing. For a second, Carina melted into her mothers arms. Then-

Remember what she did to you.

"What the fuck?" Carina spat, pushing her away. "Don't touch me."

"I've got so much I need to talk to you about, darling," Vivienne announced. She was playing nice, it seemed. Maybe it was because of the man.

"Like what?"

"Well, this is Simon," she said, gesturing to the man. The man- Simon- grunted, and Carina frowned.


Vivienne smiled. A fake smile. "He's my fiancé."

Carina's blood ran cold.


"What?" She asked, struggling to keep the shake out of her voice.

"We're getting married in August."

Fucking Traitor!


"It's been fifteen years, Carina. Let me be happy," Vivienne hissed. There it was. That undeniable cruelty in her voice.

"I'm just- surprised."

"I want you to be a bridesmaid," Vivienne said, her voice returning to normal volume.

"No fucking way," Carina shook her head, incredulously.

Vivienne lowered her voice again. "I swear to God, Carina. If Simon and Remus weren't here, I would fucking kill you," she spat, viciously.

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