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A gale brushed the young female child's hair back. It was dark as the night, as was her twins. They stood in a meadow, waiting for the return of the day dragon. Raito smiled, happy he could see the day light once more. Yoru frowned complaining it was too bright using her hand to cover her eyes. They looked in the distance, not a single soul to be caught by the naked eye.

"Stop complaining!" Raito complained back. He tilted he's head back and giggled. "It's a beautiful day!" From this angle, it was seen the his hair was more of a faded midnight color, rather lighter compared to his sisters. Their facial structure was the same, and their hazel eyes glow brightly. Really there was no difference between the two in looks.

Though they may bicker at times, you can tell in the way Raito looks at Yoru, they were best friends. Raito would defend his sister, as if she were a baby, and Yoru would complain. They would get into physical fights, Yoru and Raito were equal in strength so they would only wear each other down. they didn't hide secrets from each other, and they never lied.

The light sparkled against Raito's eye, a cheerful laugh escaped his lips. "Look there he is!" Yelled the boy. A golden dragon dangling deer from his mouth, approached them. Any normal human would run, but why would these twins. This dragon raised them.

Yoru smiled, "About time! We were starting to worry." She spoke to it. She could speak for the both of them, knowing their feelings were the same. Five more minutes, and without hesitation they both would've gone looking.

The night fell and the day dragon took his leave. he couldn't stay much at night, his powers weaken. The night grew late, Raito eyes fell as did his body. Waiting for the night dragon would take forever. With a sigh Yoru dragged her brother into their hide away cave and covered him up.

She returned outside and looked at the sky. Midnight? The moon was directly above her, it must've been night. She grew worried, her dragon, the one that raised her. Wan't to be seen... What could've happen?

Yoru looked were the cave was, no one would find it. She went back in and whispered a quick "I'll be back!" and scouted out for her dragon.

Looking at the moon three am. She grew tired, and wanted to rest. The only problem was, where was her dragon. Today she was suppose to learn how to do the talon attack. Whatever it was called, yet he didn't show. A heavy sigh once more escapes her lips and her vision blurred. Her eyelashes have covered her eyes making it hard to see.

She collapsed her body was too small, and wasn't ready for this time. She curled up into a ball and drifted to slumber. Though it wasn't long until Raito awoke from his slumber. He rubbed his head and looked around. "Yoru, it's not funny to hide. You aren't going to scare me . . . Again..!" Raito stood and went outside, tense and ready for his twin to scream at him, maybe yell BOO! Nothing... Odd... He thought to himself.

"Okay Yoru seriously. If you're trying to scare me, you have succeeded!" He yelled. Night turned into day, and neither dragon have came to their aid. "YORU! Where are the dragons! You aren't trying to scare me, are you? Don't tell me, my dragon left with you." No, she probably left with the night dragon. Therefore the light dragon would come and get him.

Screaming. People shouting, someone settled them down. "Yes I killed the two dragons. It was I, alone!" Yelled a male voice. Yoru blinked and opened her eyes, a crowd of people. Her eyes widen and she quickly tried to hide. Tree! She climbed it swiftly, training she used while waiting for the night dragon to save her. "Yoru! Where are you?" Shouted Raito.

She climbed higher, trying to give him the signal that she was alright. She pulled out the mirror cracked, but still good. Must've cracked when she collapsed last night, it was in here pocket after all. She used the sunlight to create a beam and flash it in his eyes. Once, she counted to three, than one more time.

Raito was blinded, he counted with her, than blinded once more. She was alright that was a relief. Yoru looked out into the landscape she climbed higher trying to see what was going on. She was at the top of the tree and she could see everything. More than she wanted. There laid two large bodies, they weren't even human. They were... they were the twins dragons.

A tear slipped from her right eye, Raito was waiting for her to return. Yoru flashed the light again this time the pause was five seconds. Meaning Yoru wasn't alright.

Raito's eyes widen and he rushed toward her, knowing where she was exactly. He ran or what seemed like forever and climbed up the tree, once he reached her, tears have already overwhelmed her eyes.

"RAITO! A MONSTER KILLED OUR PARENT! HE IS GLOATING. AS IF IT IS AN ACHIEVEMENT!" Yoru yelled. She sucked in air and cried harder. Yoru pointed outwards, and there lied his dragon.

"Wha-" Raito tried to collect himself. The dragon that raised him, and his twin sister laid dead. Both of them, and the memory haunted him. The night dragon never confessed his name, but he always called him Nig. The day dragon only went by light. Reason why he called Raito... Well Raito.

Yoru sobbed loudly, her eyes grew red and puffy from them. Her face was covered with the tears. Raito covered her mouth, tears threatening him. "It's alright. Let's go back to the cave." he said camly. But not even that could cheer either one of them up.

"Who's there? We heard screaming! Answer!" The same male voice from before was directly below them.

"We are just little kids." Yoru said. It was the truth, they were only three years of age. "We saw you kill those poor dragons. Ho-" She stopped herself from yelling at him furiously, HOW COULD YOU? She screamed in her head. "Why would you do such a thing?"

"Those dragons could've hurt the people. And how? Well you see-" He spoke to her extending a hand. Yoru was still sobbing, and she knew he couldn't see her or her brother. Yoru looked at Raito, and he knew what they had to do. Pretend to be lost? She thought and he nodded, receiving the thought. "-I'm a dragon slayer."

Not knowing what that meant they both climbed down and complained of losing the trail they made. They asked questions about dragon slayers, and it wasn't long before they both knew they were one. Dragon Slayers, they original was given magically powers to slay the dragons, instead they were raised by dragons, who taught them the gift. It was amazing to think, they could do so much. A tale of Natsu from the a guild called Fairy Tail made Yoru want to visit him.

Raito was more interested in the guild itself. the only thing their minds both knew, they had to protect on another. Once they reached the city, they thanked the dragon slayer. Yoru cursed his name, only to be elbowed by Raito. They both asked where they could find the Guild Fairy tail, and eventually they both found the place. A smile spread across young Yoru and Ritos face for the first time since the dragons death.

~I'm not even done yet >.< Ugh fine whatever! Here, the rest shall be for flash backs. :3 Please don't judge I haven't finished the Series and I would love to! TheBookMistress~

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