Chapter 3

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~Just a side note, the stories PoV jumps between Yoru and Raito. We will still be putting Yoru and Raito PoV up on here so you are aware.~

~Yoru PoV~

We spent the rest of the day inside the Pizza place, and to be honest I ate like three pizzas. Though that wasn't true I ate half a pizza when I asked how much I had. We all decided to split the bill, but Luna didn't pay for anything, Storm payed for her part. So really he payed for half the bill.

Raito and I returned home and I collapsed on the bed, looking at the ceiling. It was shadowed, and dark I smiled slightly. Sometimes I think that my dragons spirit is always with me, as is Raito with him. Than again, I may be a young fool.

"Yoru! Cook dinner!" I heard from the hallway.

I sat up on my elbows, my eyebrows raised. "That was pizza you dummy!" I said in return.

I saw my twin in the door frame of my room. I smirked slightly, as he groaned. "But that was lunch for me." He complained. I threw a pillow at him, "Are you nuts?" I ask in disbelief. "You literally ate a whole pizza."

"That's far from the truth... Did I?" He looked confused.

"If you're still hungry, than make yourself something to eat. I'm full!" I say laying back down on my bed.

"Mind telling me why you started running away today?" I hear Raito ask.

I shook my head, "Nah. I'm good." I kept my eyes on the shadowed corner.

He walked toward my bed and closed the window, making the room a bit darker. Yes I do like the dark, but it's not like I can see in it. Well I don't think... Tomorrow Raito and I return to our questing days, and we want to take more dangerous quests. "Raito!" I bolted up in bed. "Did you look at the request board? Any good ones, if you did?"

"Yea I looked, grabbed one and we are taking it tomorrow." He handed me a paper. I crisscrossed my legs and looked at the paper. "Two thousand jewel; killing a monster that destroyer of cities. Only comes out at night." I tilted my head. "Lets go now!" I said jumping up.

"Now I need to rest." He said.

I rolled my eyes, "Rest on the way there." He rolled his eyes and mumbled something about always losing an argument to me. He hunched over and walked out of the room. "Get changed, and pack extra clothing." I say to his back.

"Aye, sir!" He said, acting as if he were Happy.

I slam the door and quickly changed into skinny jeans, a tank top, and boots. I put my belt on, than I attached my bag of jewels. I looked toward the now closed window. Suddenly I heard footsteps. "Raito? Ready?" I yelled.

"Raito, ready for what?" I heard Luna yell. I jumped and got into a fighting pose.

One foot was father back, ready to kick, both hands balled into fists, and finally my left hand had only darkness around it. Luna smiled and caught her right hand on fire. She raised her hand, as if for a high five, and I gave her one. I took a moment to look at her. "Sorry I was about to go on a quest with just mom. Why you dressed up?"

"Same, Raito and I will be questing today. He is sleeping on the way there." I smiled at her.

"Oh what quest you doing?" She asked me. "My mom and I will be doing an S-class quest. Dad got it for us."

"Don't rub it in." I said smiling. She pulled it out and I looked at it. "Find the missing horse- Wait aren't those gone, like .... forever?" I turned my head to the side. Than I saw the reward, "FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND JEWEL?!" I yell in shook.

"Yea, exactly! It's so rare to actually find one. Apparently this guy wants the last one!" She squealed. "Cool thing is I get half of the Jewel!"

My mouth drops open as Raito walks in. I stare at the paper, "this puts our quest to shame!" I groaned. "Good luck on your quest!"

I walked over to Raito and leaned my head against his shoulder, "I wanna be S-class." I whisper.

He just nods. I straighten my back and hand Luna her quest back and told her where were going. It wasn't long before we were in the train, Raito and I. He was passed out asleep laying his head on my lap. I covered him in a blanket he brought along. I looked up and started to think about my dragon.

A fool. A fool I was not to go and remember their names. I wasn't the brightest, and I never will be. Raito says we were too young and traumatized to remember. I still remember walking into Fairy Tail. A smile spread across my face.

Table crashed in front of us. I jumped back and stood behind Raito. A voice yelled, "Someones here STOP!" I wasn't sure who, but it sounded like a guy. Everyone stopped almost instantly and looked toward us. Raito looked around than spoke proudly, "Me and my sister, we were ... um..."

I stepped forward away from Raito. "We came here with a Dragon Slayer, he is gone. He told us what they were, I believe we are Dragon Slayers. We would like to join please let us, we don't want to be lost anymore."

Everyone stared at us. One of the guys, I now know him as Natsu, balled his fist. "Believe you are Dragon Slayers, or know you are?" He asked.

"Help us, and we'll explain more." Raito spoke.

A girl with long white hair came up and gave us our guild marks. Mine was located on the right side of my neck. Ratio got his on the left side of his neck. After what may have seemed forever, we got to talk to three different people at once, our own table. Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy, as I now know them. They all seemed to agree we were Dragon Slayers. It wasn't long before Gray came up behind Natsu, sticking an ice cube down his jacket. Natsu didn't even react, he agreed to help me and my brother as long as we needed.

"Next stop Owl City!" I heard. I shook Raito awake and he groggily grabbed his stuff. Together we left the train, I guided him along the night in search of this monster.

"Monster that only comes at night... I wonder what it could be." I whisper to myself. I turned to face Raito when something moved in the shadows. "Stop!" I hiss. Raito stops and looks around.

It wasn't long before I located the creature again. He was moving up the side of a building into a little child's room. I immediately ran toward the building, realizing it was two stories. I huffed and waited, screams, than the roof of the house crashed upward. "YORU!!" I heard Raito scream. He pushed me away from the rubbish that fell where I was standing.

The ugliest thing in the world faced us. The eyes is what struck me in the heart, it was the little girls eyes. He was making her the monster, and forcing her to watch her destroy the town. Raito screamed at the beast and it only picked us up. I stared at it's eyes, beginning to struggle. "RAITO! I need you to try and create some kind of ball of light. It's a little girl, help her!" I yelled at my brother.

"There's no light!" He snapped at me.

Some house lights turned on and women carrying infants ran and hid somewhere. "Prepare yourself!" I say to him.

This was going to drain most of my magic. I grab Raito's hand. "Yoru...." He began. A ball of darkness wraps around us. "We got a minute. Follow me!" Still holding his hand we began to fade into the darkness. Once we were engulfed in nothing, I formed a floor so we can run towards a light source, a bright light shone in front of us. "Go!" I yelled at him. I released his hand and he ran toward the light.

I only hope he can think of a way to create a ball of light in time. He reaches the light and I stop casting the spell, falling to the floor. I struggled to my hands and knees, when a blinding light accrued. I covered my hazel eyes, wasn't long till it stopped.

"Dark dragon: Roar!" I yell copying Natsu does when fighting. I couldn't tell what happened next, I blacked out from all the fighting. I collapsed on the ground, feeling drained. I wanted to get up, but it felt like something was now holding me down. I closed my eyes and let whatever it was do it. Feet hitting the pavement was the last sound I remember from that night.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 29, 2015 ⏰

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