Prologue: The Promise Of Tomorrow. . .

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Quick Author's note: This is my first-ever story, so go easy on me. Constructive criticism is heavily encouraged, but please note that my fnaf lore will NOT be the same as canon. I made many modifications to fit my story, so any information regarding the canon fnaf lore is unnecessary in this book.

This may very well be taken down or heavily edited, just an FYI.


Tomorrow is another day. . . A repetitive mantra frequently chanted within the withering mind of a decaying rabbit. It was the only thing keeping him sane throughout the numerous years of ceaseless agony.

The filthy rabbit simply sat in a moldy room, continuously delving himself within a hell created by those he loathed the most, and constantly coerced to suffer through the misery of his own demise while being hounded down by nightmarish monsters for years in his waning mind.

They were relentless, merciless, and the way their claws gradually explored his intestines with perverse glee further ingrain the utter loathing festering within the rabbit's being. The burning, the tearing, the nausea- Oh God, did he want the pain to stop, but their claws continued it's course with unrelenting force, tearing him to shreds as they ruthlessly mocked him for being so pathetically weak.

'Tomorrow is another day...' The moldy rabbit recites in a broken manner.

However, the endless cycle of repetitiveness is soon broken when a stray thought reminds him of the significance this day held.

Slowly opening his glowing silver eyes, the animatronic hybrid scans the desolate room he's come to know for over thirty years. The decayed enclosure is dimly lit by the machine's eyes, acting as built-in flashlights, while he veers his gaze around the area.

Today was finally the day he'd leave this rancid place, he merely remained in this spot to get accustomed to the inconceivable amount of pain he's felt since his demise.

Before, every little movement compelled the mechanical being to feel a sharp, burning pain to surge throughout his body, or what was left of it. His daunting end left him with the gift of immortality... As well as the constant surge of agony that locked up his mangled body no matter what he did, a harsh reminder of how he perished for being a human.

Now, with a semi-clear mind and still aching body, the Spring Bonnie suit slowly moves in an endeavor to finally stand... Only to stop moments before getting to his feet. He quickly falls back to his original position and gazes at the rusted door before him, waiting for the intruder to make themselves known.

His non-broken ear twitches in response to the sound of footsteps closing in on his location. If memory serves him right, they sounded light, small even, compared to those of an adult, but they were moving fast, almost as if they were running away from someone... Or something.


The metallic door to the animatronic's room blasts open, loudly colliding against the wall from the force alone, before slamming shut. Rapid breathing fills the dull room as the figure attempts to catch their breath.

With his eyes darkened to not give away his sentience, the rabbit makes out a slim figure in the dark, and with the small sounds of a few high-pitched gasps leaving their mouths, it was safe to assume that they were female.

This Is What I Deserve (Male Springtrap Reader x FNIA)Where stories live. Discover now