Picnic Beneath The Moonlight

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Credits to Ghis for giving me this idea.

No one POV: Ah....just like all other days, the sun rises and the sun sets. But for this time the 2 males wake up at the morning, do their normal daily routine and go to work.

Akutagawa will go to work. But when they come back from their work, they plan on going on a picnic with each other, at night, seeing the beautiful moon shining down at them.

Who gave this idea? Well it's quite obvious. It's no other than the weretiger Atsushi and no he won't transform or anything because it's not the full moon. (Eh, I don't know if were tigers transform during the full moon or even if it's not a full moon.)

Anyways. Akutagawa agreed that this would be nice for them, relaxing, you know.

This would also be the first story part that is on the night instead of the morning. Nice isn't it?

Atsushi POV:

I'm finally back after such a long day! Dazai-san paperwork are such a pain in the ass, God can't he just do it himself sometimes?

Well at least I get to come back home! Oh and I hope Aku didn't forget about our picnic! I'm excited about it so that's why I'm more than happy to come back home!

Anyways I'm right in front of the door right now. Akutagawa gave me a key to open the house by myself with out having to knock or wait for him.

I open the door using the key and went in, I turn around and shut the door and lock it.

I now turn around just to see Akutagawa right in front of me! "Welcome back home." He says "Hello Akutagawa. Also I hope you didn't forget about our picnic today!" I say to him, overfilled with joy "Ah yes. How could I even forget." He says.

So it looks like he does remember!

"Also you should take a bath." Aku says, but yeah, he's right, I should take a bath "Alright." I say.

I head to the bathroom, undress myself, removing every piece of my clothing, getting into the shower, and turning it on.
Alright, I finished taking a bath and getting dressed. Ryuu already did this before me cause he came home earlier than me. But now, I should go look for him.

I look around the house, finding him. I see he is no where inside the house, maybe outside? I head outside and yep, I was right, he was here, "Hey Ryuu! I'm done! I'll just prepare for our little picnic and we can go!" I say to him, he turns around to look at me and say "We should also bring our jackets because it's quite cold outside tonight." Aku says, "Ah, alright!" I say.

I get my jacket and wear it, Aku does the same. Once I finished putting on my jacket, I head to the kitchen and get our picnic basket and stuff some food and you know, other picnic stuff like utensils and plates and clean up stuff? Anyways, I packed some sandwiches in here and some other stuff, like a normal picnic. Yeah I think I brought everything important, I guess I'm done here. Aku comes in with his black jacket "Hey, you ready to go?" He asks "Yeah." I reply.

We head outside just to see I guess a car that is owned by the....port mafia? I look at the car in confusion then Ryuu turns to me and says "I did say it was cold outside, so I just got us a car to drive us there to the picnic area." He says, but eh, I guess that make sense "Oh, Alright!" I say.

We walk our way to the car, and the driver gets out of the car to open the door for me and Ryuu "Thank you." I say to him, he didn't say anything but I know he appreciates it. Once we both get in the car, he shuts the door and he gets inside the drivers seat, he gets in, shuts his door, and drives the car, him already knowing where to go.
And the picnic spot looks like this. (This is actually one of the most famous spot's in Yokohama Japan for cherry blossom viewing in the spring.)

We arrived at the picnic spot! It looks really beautiful, and has beautiful flowers from Yamashita Park to Minato Mirai

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We arrived at the picnic spot! It looks really beautiful, and has beautiful flowers from Yamashita Park to Minato Mirai.

Anyways, the driver now found a spot to park at, now we can get out of the car. Me and Ryuu get out of the car and headed to a spot to set our little picnic blanket at, while the driver stays there and waits for us to finish our picnic and come back to the car.

No one POV:

The 2 lovers walked around, looking for a spot to have a picnic at while looking around the place a bit. And of course, they decided to place their picnic blanket beside a blossom tree near the beautiful waters that this park was blessed with. And with the beautiful light which is the moon, shining down at them made this spot more......pretty.

As I have already said. They placed their picnic blanket down and their little basket, and they began sitting down on the blanket. "This place is really....pretty." Atsushi says while Akutagawa hums in agreement. This place was really pretty indeed. It felt like it almost wasn't real but sure is. The beauty of this place is the best, lots of people really do come here. For either picnics, viewing of blossom trees, or are just here walking around, exploring and seeing every part of this place. There could be other things they do around here but, I don't do much of my research.

Back to the couple. They decided to just eat their sandwiches already because you know. They didn't eat dinner yet. They both took a bite out of their sandwich and it was honestly really good. Can't describe how or why but it just tasted good.

This night must be really special to them. No idea why but this night just feels.....different. In a good kind of way. They both ate in silence. Neither of them wanting to ruin the silence cause it felt good to hear nothing and just be in peace.
They have now finished their sandwiches. The cold wind blows their hair and they both kind of shivered in the coldness but they we're wearing their jackets so their kinda fine.
A while has now passed. They decided to get the basket and the picnic blanket and walked around the park. Or kind of exploring a bit.

Atsushi POV:

This park at night time is so......beautiful. And I really do mean it. I mean- look at the scenery here! And the trees! And the clear water. I bet Ryuu also enjoys this place. Despite how cold this very night is. Though I hope he is fine with it.
A couple of more minutes have passed. We walked around this park for quite some time now. We have even been having conversations with each other, and no one can be a able to disturb us. Because we are alone. Yeah.

No one POV:

The 2 have decided to finish this day now. Going home to sleep. They have already checked the whole park out. Finding a new area, and going back to the place they were at earlier. What a nice day this has been, just as all the others was..

They went home. Took a bath (even tho Ryuunosuke hates baths, Atsushi still tells him to take one.). And went quick to sleep. Cuddling.

And that's it. I am busy and lazy so I'll end it here. I'll add more parts soon just give me a while.

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