its been two days?! :5

6 1 0

Screw the grilled cheese sandwiches, we run out onto the lawn only to see a whole truckload of people in military uniform.

"I told you they would come!"

"Finally we were safe and it only lasted a day!"

"Hey you kids! How are you alive!" then another voice

"HEY-come over here!" This voice in particular sent chills down my spine. I whispered to Oliver.

"Get your gun have it ready"

"Wha- what do you mean?! You constantly go on about how the army will come to save us!"

"I know but I don't trust every person in front of us what if there one of them.. what if the-"

We were too busy talking to notice that now everyone had started looking at us.

"What the-?"

"Hey kiddos why dont come over here" one of the men shouted

"Hey- we don't trust you!" I managed to choke out it's not everyday you speak against a military officer.

"Hey we're just trying to keep you safe"

"Yes we're gonna keep you safe"

"I bet you haven't even fought a screecher yet!"

"Wait screechers?"

"What's a screecher?"

"The things they screech when they see you...I think"

"Well I didn't know you guys would be useful for survival why dont you come on over here so we can talk." I looked over to Ollie to get his approval.

"See their not as bad as they seem :)"

"Sure we could do that but in return could you help patch up Ollie"

"Hey! I'm fine"

"That's not what your chest and arms say" I say rolling my eyes at him

"Let's just go"

We walked towards the men when one came out of the crowd and shook our hand.

"hello welcome you can head inside the tent"


We walked nervously towards the tent that other soldiers were now piling into. Nothing about being in a tent with a bunch of men with flesh eating monster's outside was safe...but nonetheless it was probably much safer for us. I didn't feel that way.

"Hey kiddos if you just come over here for a bit."


We went up to the boxes before who I assume was in charge spoke to the soldiers now piled into the tent. I don't really pay attention the only thing I was thinking about was sleeping maybe this was just one big nightmare that would go away when I slept..before long we where called upon to speak to the person in did we get into this mess? It was all normal just a few hours ago and now I hope it be over in just a few more.

"Hey kiddos why don't you come over here?"

Ok now what where we going to say?

" Oliver"

"so how'd you kill it the so called screecher"

"Guns? it doesn't take to long for them too drop but their fast and sometimes travel in groups I think??"

"Why is your shirt ripped?"

"Oh it's because of a was traumatic."

"How come you not dead?"

"Idon't know how hes not dead but umm-we think that the claws where made for capture instead of killing"

"How do they infect others?" this question made me choke. What I saw in the caffatirea had made an invisible scar that would stay with me for life.

"Just don't let it's mouth get to you....""

there were a few more questions going back and forth until i got annoyed and wanted to go home.

"Oliver can we get back to scribbles in the house i'm tired"



"Ok ok"

"Where leaving its probably late.. We've had a long day...." Oliver said before awkwardly walking with me to the entrance. 

once we were out of the tent I practically ran home.

"What was that?! why weren't you talking after the most important question your a very valuable source of information!

"so im just a source of information?!"

"wait oliver that not what i-"

"Do you know how they turn Oliver?"

"Yea they bite-"

"No they eat not bite after they manage to satisfy them selfes with your flesh you shiver, then it looks like you start convolsing as is your having a seizure......then your flesh in some parts starts to grow back. No not flesh it grows back as muscle."

The silence was audible and awkward. Staring into his orbs I feel tears threaten to fall.

"I'm going to bed..night."

"Night Noah"

I spend the night in my room reflecting on the events of today...not even able to sleep because of the nightmares that would wake me up if I even managed to sleep. I could only hope that this was just a bad dream and I would wake up and everything would be normal.

~Time skip 7:15~

I've been in my bed for hours now and I am desperately trying to sleep but to no use..ultimatly deciding to instead get up and have some cereal still hungry from last nights failed grilled cheese.

 I quietly attempt to make my way down stairs but I trip at the bottom of the stairs due too lack of sleep. I find the cereal we shop lifted from the store and I don't even bother grabbing a bowl I just rip open the bag and shove my hand in to start eating I go back upstairs to grab my pistol before heading back outside. At this point the reality of what was happening was slowly sinking in. I head out of the door to check up on the military I figure their still alive because I can here distinct chatter. Before heading over I go back inside and set the cereal down and write a note to Oliver.

Hey Ollie i'm just checking up on the military you know makeing sure their not dead. I have a pistol for worst case-scenario. You can eat some cereal and come to the tent outside if i'm not home.

P.S remember to bring your gun.


I sign the note and I walk out the door heading towards the tent.

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