Chapter 7- I Miss You

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Sam was waiting in the living room when Dean returned home.
"Dean! Did you go and see Castiel? I told Dad you had something important to do before school."
Dean didn't respond, he just sat on the edge of his bed and silently stared at the wall, expressionless. 


"He's gone, Sam." 

"I'm sorry, Dean...Did you tell him?" 

Dean nodded. 

"Great! What did he say?" Sam said with hope in his voice.  

"...I don't know. He was pushed into his car before he could finish what he was saying." 

"Why don't you call him?" 

"He doesn't have a cell." 



Sam pulled Dean into a quick hug. 

"It's okay, Dean." He soothed. 

Dean squeezed his little brother tight. 

"He needs to come back, Sammy. He promised!" Dean sobbed. 

"Then have faith in him, if he promised then he'll try his best."

~Time skip~

Dean stared out of the window during Math, trying to distract himself from the empty desk beside him. It just seemed so bare. The numbers on his page were messed up in his mind, nothing made any sense to him any more. Before he knew it, Dean had dozed off, his head on the desk. 


Dean shot up in his seat and found himself looking at his friend, Benny. The classroom was quiet, everyone else had left. 

"Class is over ya know." Benny laughed. 

Dean rubbed his eyes, "Ah, crap." 

They both grabbed their bags and retreated to the lunch hall. 

"Can I buy ya some coffee, Dean? You're looking real tired." Benny smiled. 

"Nah, I'm good man. Thanks though." 

"It's all good." 

Benny patted Dean's shoulder before walking to the lunch line. Dean headed over to the closet that Castiel used to sit in to read, when he saw Vanessa at her locker. Dean decided it was time. 


"Oh, hi, Dean." She chirped. 

"Look, I don't know how to say this, so I'm just gonna say it straight. I think we should break up." Dean said solemnly. 

Vanessa paused for a moment. 

"Is this because of that freak kid?" 


"You know what? Fine. I don't care." She sneered before storming off. 

Dean sighed. He ended up spending the rest of lunch break in Castiel's reading closet.

~Time skip~

Dean threw himself onto his bed the moment he got home. He honestly wasn't in the mood for doing anything else. Sam walked into their room, selecting a book from his shelf. He looked over at Dean. 

"Dad's out doing a job or something." Sam said bitterly. 

Dean just grunted in response. 

"How have you been holding up?" Sam asked, sounding concerned. 

"Alright." Dean shrugged. 

Sam gave Dean a sympathetic look before heading to the kitchen. 

Dean began to doze off when his ring tone startled him. He clumsily grabbed his phone and answered it. 

"...Hello?" Dean mumbled. 

"Hello, Dean." 

Dean could recognise that voice from anywhere. 


Castiel laughed softly, "I memorised your number when I was using your cell phone to call home. I'm calling from my new house phone." 

"...How is your new house?" 

"I don't really like it here, Dean. I'm glad that Gabriel can get his treatment, but I miss my old house...I miss you." 

"I miss you too." Dean choked. 

Castiel groaned, "My dad's coming back, I have to go." 

"Cas! About what I said-" 

"I know, I love you too." Castiel whispered. 

Castiel quickly hung up.  

Dean stared at his phone for a moment, trying to make sense of what he just heard. Sam padded into the room clutching two cups of coffee. 

"Are you okay, Dean?" 

"Cas called." 

"He did? How?" 

"He memorised my number." 

"Well that was lucky!" Sam chuckled, handing Dean his coffee. 

Dean happily sipped his coffee. He could talk to Castiel, and one day he'd come back.
After all, he promised.

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