Chapter 8- Reunion

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It had been a year since Castiel moved state, he called Dean whenever he had the chance; updating him on how he was and how Gabriel's treatment was getting on.

"He's almost his old self again." Castiel exclaimed cheerfully.

"That's great, Cas." Dean smiled.

"I need to leave for school now, Dean. I'll call when I can."

"Alright, bye Cas."

"I love you." Cas stammered in a hushed tone before quickly hanging up.

Dean grinned, then put his cell phone in his pocket and grabbed his back pack. To Dean's surprise, his father was actually home today. He was passed out on the sofa and reeking of liquor. Dean sighed sharply, slamming the door on his way out.

When Dean arrived at school he noticed people in the hallway were glancing at him and whispering. He raised an eyebrow at a group of giggling girls who were not so subtly eyeing him up and down before bursting into fits of high pitched laughter.

"Got a problem?" Dean sneered.

"Oh, I don't think it's us who has "a problem" here!" One of the girls squeaked.

Dean shot the girls a look of confusion as they giggled and teetered off to their classes. Dean shook his head and started strolling to his English class. What did they mean "a problem"? Dean thought to himself. It's probably just some stupid rumour or something...

Dean threw down his bag and slumped into his seat, noticing more whispers and giggles directed at him. He waved at Benny to come over to his desk, so Benny walked over.

"Hey, Benny. Do you have any idea what all this whispering is about?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, some girl came up and told me that you were gay for that kid that was here for a while. Castiel, wasn't it?"

Dean groaned, "Did this girl happen to be called Vanessa?"

"Yeah, I think so actually."

"Great. I should've expected something like this."

"Well, if it's true then I don't have any issues with it." Benny smiled.

"Thanks, Benny." Dean grinned. "But yeah, it's true. There's no point in hiding it"

After school, Dean decided to confront Vanessa, he was sick of the stupid gossiping. Dean strolled up to her when she was alone at her locker, taking some books out.

"Looks like you've been busy, Vanessa."

Vanessa flinched in surprise and turned to look at Dean. Her startled expression turned into one of hatred.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Dean." She hissed.

"Is this whole thing supposed to offend me or something? Because it's true, and I really don't care what anyone else thinks."

Vanessa's eyes widened, she stared at Dean for a moment.

"Wait, you're actually gay?!"

"Yeah, you got a problem?"


Dean smirked triumphantly at her, "Good talk."

Dean walked away nonchalantly, leaving a shocked Vanessa behind. He had better things to focus on. Who cares if people thought he was weird? It's no one else's business anyway...
Dean's phone suddenly blasted out his ringtone, he sighed in frustration and answered it, to his delight it was Castiel.

"Cas, hey." Dean said, smiling fondly.

"Dean, I need you to get to the airport as soon as you can, bye."

"Wait, Cas, what are you-"

Castiel had hung up.

Dean's heart began to thud against his chest.

The airport? Does this mean...?

Dean ran back to his house to be greeted by Sam.

"Whoa there, Dean! You're in a rush!" Sam laughed. "What's going on?"

"Cas." Dean replied hurriedly.

"Uh...Care to elaborate?"

"He told me to go to the airport."

"He's coming back?!"

"I think so."

"Well go get him!"

Dean rapidly grabbed the keys to his father's impala and scurried out the house before he'd notice the keys were gone. Dean revved up the engine and shot out of his street, speeding down highways until he pulled into the airport.
He jumped out of the car and wildly sprinted towards the airport entrance, bursting through the double doors. He ran to where the passengers were collecting their luggage, frantically looking for Castiel.

And there he was.

Dean saw the short, dark haired figure bobbing towards him.
His over-sized trench coat hung over his shoulders, billowing around him.
His blue eyes sparkling.


Without thinking, Dean pulled Castiel into a tight embrace, nuzzling his nose into his dark scruff of hair.
Castiel smiled shyly and clung to Dean's leather jacket. Dean couldn't stop the tears streaming down his face and splashing onto Castiel's hair.

"Oh God I've missed you, Cas." Dean whispered.

"I've missed you too, Dean." Castiel said softly.

"You came back to me."

"I promised, didn't I?"

Dean pulled back a little, his hands gripping onto Castiel's shoulders.

"How long are you back here for?"

"I don't know...I ran away." Castiel said, looking down.

"Seriously? Why?"

"My father is...Difficult to be around. I wasn't happy at home. I'd be much happier here with you, Dean."

Dean grinned at him, "Right, it's settled then, you're staying here with me!"

Tears came to Castiel's eyes as he smiled at Dean, "Thank you so much, Dean, for everything."

Then Dean kissed him.

Right there, in the middle of the airport.

Castiel was stunned at first, but then leaned in closer and kissed him back, feeling the warmth of Dean's breath, the two of them becoming one. Dean couldn't believe he was back, his Cas finally came back to him. Just like he promised.

Dean pulled Castiel's suitcase for him as they walked back to the impala, Castiel clutching his hand. They climbed into the car and Dean began to drive them home, slower and smoother this time.

"You're sure your dad won't mind me staying with you and Sam for a while?" Castiel asked nervously.

"Oh don't worry about him, he'll be too drunk to notice you're there at all." Dean laughed.

Castiel smiled at him, they sat in a comfortable silence until they pulled into the car park outside Dean's apartment.
As they walked towards the building, Cas stopped walking.

"You alright?" Dean asked.

"Dean, I was wondering, why do you like me anyway?" Castiel asked, tilting his head in that adorable way.

Dean's expression softened.

"Well, Cas..." Dean began.

"You had me at hello."

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