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"I don't like this version of you, Josie."

Josie sat in the back of her mother's car after hearing she was suspended for causing a scene in her teacher's class.

Dumbest reason for suspension?

Yeah, she knew. But she also refused detention and that's something she stood upon.

"Maybe it's our fault, maybe we aren't being the best parents to her." Josette commented as she crossed her arms.

Josie frowned because that was so not true. Josette and Caroline were the best parents to her, and she couldn't ask for anyone greater.

"It's not you guys, it's me. I'm the stupid one and I shouldn't have caused any harm to the class."

Josette and Caroline exchanged looks as they both sighed. "It's not your fault, Josie. I'm sure you had a reason for what you did."

"Yeah, and we are going away for this parent trip. It's a trip that your mother booked so we can be better at parents. We even took off from work."

—"am I going to go with you?" Josie asked as she raised her eyebrow.

Josette looked at her daughter and frowned, "No, it's a parents camp not family camp. Plus you'll be here, and you can think about what you've done."

Josie frowned, "can't you think of a better punishment? Take my phone or take my computer or something."

"Who willingly wants to take a punishment?"

The brown haired girl sighed, "I will never learn if you let me get off the hook with everything. I need to be held responsible for my actions. I need some type of discipline."

"Okay, you can't see Hope for a whole week."

Josie's eyes widened, "a week?"

"Yup, 7 whole days. 168 hours. 10,080 minutes without Hope Mikaelson."

Josie gasped and shook her head, "I don't think I could do it. Never mind mom. I don't want a punishment."

Caroline shrugged, "too late. You asked for it and you shall receive it. You can't text, call or see Hope, and since you are suspended for 3 days, once you go back to school, the remaining 4 days will be monitored by Stefanie Salvatore, your cousin."

Josie sat back in her chair and pouted. "I don't like this idea, mom."

—"Well you don't really have a choice now do you."

Josie sighed before looking out of the window. This was the stupidest idea she agreed to.

7 whole days without Hope.

This was going to be 7 painful days.


Hope stood at her locker as she took out her pompoms and got ready for practice.

—"Hey, Mikaelson." Jade smiled as she walked up to Hope.

Hope looked at her and glared. "What do you want, Jade?"

The Blonde shrugged, "I want you to stay away from, Josie."

Hope chuckled a bit. "Really? You think I'm going to stay away from her? That's pathetic."

"You don't know her, not the way you think you do. I'm saving you both the trouble. I can have her back to being all obsessed with me and you can go back to Roman. I'm sure he misses you. Especially after that massive amount of sex you guys had."

Hope looked at her stupidly, "sex? I've never had sex with—what the hell is your  problem?"

Jade grinned from ear to ear. "Well, the word spreads fast. Some people say they heard you and Roman talking about how you supposedly had sex with her as a joke. The word got around that you bet on her." Jade crossed her arms.

Her hidden star (hosie version)Where stories live. Discover now