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Chapters doesn’t really make sense so it will be marked bonus

Cici decided to let Prince meet her parents since its Sunday dinner

Cici: Are u nerves Prince

Prince: (lying) Girl do I look nervous

Cici: Actually yes cause your hands are sweating & u look like u bout to shit in yo pants

Prince: Alright maybe I’m a little nervous not to meet your mom but your dad & u said u got not 1 but 2 older brothers

Cici: (laughing) U don’t have to be nervous they cool but since I am the youngest & the only girl they don’t play around when it comes to me so be careful now come on it only right since I met your mother

Prince follows Cici into the house

 Cici: (yelling) Mommy, daddy I’m here

Mrs. Moore: (coming in) Hey baby (kissing her check)

Cici: Hi mommy I want u to meet my new boyfriend Jacob

Prince: Nice to meet u (holding his hand out)

Mrs. Moore: (shaking his hand) Same to u

Mr. Moore: (walking in) I know I did just hear Ciarah say she got a new boyfriend

Cici: Yes daddy this is my new boyfriend Jacob (turning to Prince) Prince this is my dad Calvin

Jacob: (holding his hand out) Nice to meet u sir

Mr. Moore: Don’t call me sir I ain’t old & I thought u said his name was Jacob so why did u call him Prince

Mrs. Moore: Calvin stop that nonsense

Cici: Daddy (whining) please stop & Prince is his nickname

Mr. Moore: I guess at least he looks presentable unlike them other knuckle headed boys u use to hang out with (walking away)

Prince: (looking at Cici, mouthing) I’m leaving

Cici: (grabbing his hand) No your not now come on

They all go to the dinning room where her brothers are

Cici: Prince these are my two older brothers Calvin Jr. & Cameron  

Prince: Hello ever one nice to meet u all

Mr. Moore: (cutting his meat) So Jacob what do u do for a living

Prince: Well I was in the music group Mindless Behavior but we recently disbanded but we started a new record label MBE

Calvin: I knew u looked familiar like I seen u on TV & to be honest I thought u was sweet as pie

Prince: Yea a lot of people thought that because I was different but I don’t care cause I’m a be me regardless of what people think & look at me now dating probably one of the most beautiful girls in LA (looking at Cici)

Cici: (holding her head down blushing)

Cameron: Naw I mean she ain’t ugly but she ain’t all that either & personally I think u could have done better

Cici: Shut up before I pour this hot gravy on your face

Mrs. Moore: Jacob excuse these two & would like anything else

Prince: No thanks I’m full & this food was really good

Cameron: Too bad Cici can’t cook so u are going to starve if u guys end up getting married

Cici: Cameron why are u even here we don’t even like u

Cameron: She got jokes u guys I think its time we tell her she was really adopted

Mr. Moore: Alright shut up cause ya’ll getting on my damn nerves now

Calvin: Yup that’s my que to leave mom the food was great & I will talk to u later pops & nice meeting u Jacob I just hope my sister doesn’t run u away

Cici: Ugh I swear I don’t like u guys

With the other guys at the house Britt came because she was bored & she did apologize to Roc; she went to the bathroom & is taking long because she was fixing her hair

Roc: (knocking on the door) Damn girl are u shitting hurry up I gotta piss

Britt: Um last time I checked ya’ll had like 3 other bathrooms

Roc: (busting in the door) So what I had to use this one (pulling his pants down taking a leak)

Britt: (looking at his package out the side of her eye) Ew u are so rude u could have waited until I got out

Roc: (shaking, fixing his clothes) Nope u was taking too long & if u wanted to see my dick u could have just asked cause I seen u looking out the corner of your eyes (washing his hands)

Britt: (lying) No I wasn’t

Roc: (drying his hands) Yes u were but its cool (leaving out the door but turning to her) if u wondering its 9 inches but on hard its probably about a foot long (shutting the door)

Bee: (holding Brea) Brea he don’t wanna hold u now come on its time for u to take a nap

Brea: (whining reaching for Prod)

Prod: Here let me see her (grabbing her from Bee) I use to do this for my little sister to go to sleep (starts singing to her, rubbing her back)

Bee: (yawning) Damn u bout to but me to sleep singing like that

Prod: (laughing) It worked didn’t it

Bee: (looking at Brea) It sure did now I’ll take her & lay her in your bed (trying to grab Brea)

Brea: (sleep but not letting go of Prod)

Prod: Looks like she don’t wanna let me go

Bee: I guess not damn u done stole my baby

Prod: (laughing) Now I just have that affect on beautiful girls

Ray: (holding a comb & some hair grease) Please tell me u know how to braid

Jazzy: Ray I know how to braid

Ray: Good can u please redo my hair & grease my scalp (poking his bottom lips out)

Jazzy: What the hell do I look like

Ray: Aye girls love to play in my hair & u act like its nappy

Jazzy: I didn’t say that but the only way I’m doing it is if u let me flatiron it

Ray: No u are not bout to straighten my hair what if u burn me

Jazzy: Boy stop acting like a bitch & come on (going in her purse) I always carry my small flatiron with me

Ray: OMG I swear if u burn me or my hair we fighting

Jazzy: Yea, yea, yea (plugging the flatirons in)

Just a quick bonus cause I really didn’t feel like writing today but I got some good stuff in mind for tmrw’s upload

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