Ch 2: Who Has Returned?

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You sprint over to where Harrow and the young man are standing.

"I- I don't understand. Who has returned?" You ask Harrow, confusion showing on your face.

"Thank you, my son." Harrow politely dismisses the man.

The man nodded respectfully, and left the room, leaving you alone with Harrow. Harrow closed the door behind him, and sat on the sofa.

"Sit." He beckoned you.

You obeyed, taking a seat next to him.

Harrow stared out into the distance, deep in thought. His face was riddled with concern, worry, and fear. He was usually so stoic, so it scared you to see him show fear.

"Arthur..." You whispered softly, placing your hand on his. "Talk to me. Who has returned?"

"Khonshu..." He whispered, barely audible.

"Who-" You began, but he cut you off.

"The god of the moon. The god I used to serve. I... I used to be his avatar." Harrow spoke with some level of difficulty. "He is Ammit's sworn enemy. The last time he was free he almost destroyed her. Now that he's back..." He trailed off.

Fear was welling up in Harrow's eyes. Khonshu was living proof of his past as a sinner, and now that he had returned...

Harrow shut his eyes tightly, and drew a few deep breaths. Once he had gathered himself, he turned towards you.

"I know what I must do." He told you, a distinct sobriety in his voice. "I- I must find him, and imprison him once more. He can't be allowed to destroy us again, he just can't."

Harrow stood, new resolve in his eyes.

"I must go to the library. I need to find the tomb now. It can not wait any longer." He said in a low voice, speaking more to himself than to you.

He walked towards the door, but you grabbed him by the wrist.

"Woah, woah. Slow down, Arthur." You tell him, concerned by the effect that this news had brought upon your lover.

You turned so that you were facing him. You tenderly placed your hands on either side of his face, gingerly stroking his chiseled cheeks with your thumbs.

"Arthur, look at me." You said softly, and he obeyed. "I don't understand all of this as well as you do, but I understand enough to know that you can't do this alone. Don't box me out. Let me help you carry this burden."

He gazed into your eyes, his features a mix between love and fear.

"It's too dangerous. I-" He spoke, his voice breaking slightly. "I can't lose you."

In that moment, it was as if Cupid himself had shot an arrow through your heart. Harrow tried to hide his flaws, thinking they made him weak, but to you his flaws just made him all the more beautiful. As you looked at him, your love for him flowed over the brim, and you placed a much-needed kiss on his lips.

"And I can't lose you either." You responded, letting your heart show. "You're my world, Arthur, and I refuse to allow you to go on this journey alone."

Your words struck a deep chord with Harrow. He had always felt inadequate (due to his past as a sinner) as both an individual and as the leader of Ammit's followers. He loved you more than anything, but he had always felt anxiety as to whether or not your feelings towards him were legitimate... now, he had no doubt.

"Alright." He sighed, a small portion of his burden being lifted from his shoulders. "I will do my best to educate you before we leave."

You nodded, turning on your heel and reaching for the doorknob. This time it was he who grabbed your wrist.

"Y/N" He whispered, love and gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thank you."

You nodded, giving him a sweet smile that could make even the harshest of men love-sick.

"Don't thank me yet." You responded, a playful and mischievous glint in your eye. "I'm not letting you off the hook until you finish what we started earlier."

With that you walked out the door, leaving a dazzled Arthur Harrow standing in the doorway.

'Oh, she'll pay for that one.' He thought, a smirk spreading across his face.

Allegiance To Ammit (Sequel to 'The Scales Don't Lie') //Arthur Harrow//Where stories live. Discover now