I'll have you again~ (Trigger Warning)

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Apo didn't know what was happening to him, he was feeling hot and he also needed release but it was not because he wanted to feel this way, it was not natural. Apo was a crown prince and he had his fair share of experience when it came to having pleasure, be it with women or men but he was always the one in control but what's happening now?, why does he feel so weak and useless?
He couldn't control himself, he was being played with, manhandled in many ways...
Damn you taste good. I had all Kinn's toys under me but they never tasted like you. You are addictive. I can't wait to taste you more...
Apo could only hear, he was not able to even respond but he kind of felt that the voice he heard was familiar to him, very familiar actually...It made him reminded of the only person who his heart belonged to, the only one Apo loved but could never have...
it was the only thing that could came out of Apo's mouth.
Oh You can talk now?, good it means you can give me the responses that I want.
Let's begin the main course then...
Apo was already feeling uncomfortable but what he felt now was unbearable. He felt foreign objects was being inserted in his backside and it was painful, he got to know that those foreign objects were fingers of his assaulter and he was stretching his back so he could enter something else there...
NO, NO NO NO,That's impossible, He can't get raped,He was THE APO NATTAWIN WATTANAGITIPHAT, The crown prince of Prithviya Paracharya and one of the strongest and most loved by his people and other royal families. He can NOT experience something so horrible. WHO, WHO is this piece of shit?, WHO dares to try to defile him?, He will cut them to pieces and if not him then there are many who would do the job for him. He will never let this person, who commits such shameful acts towards him, go. He WILL find him and rip him to pieces...
I-I-...wi-ll k-kkill yo-u
He was able to say...then he heard that voice again;
You will?
Good then remember that I'll be waiting for you to come and kill me, don't take long, but for now let me devour you first...
And that's how Apo experienced the worst pain of his life. Apo had never experienced something more painful than this. He was feeling like he was being ripped apart. His back hole was being assaulted by someone he doesn't know and it was burning, everything was burning.
It was painful, way more painful than the time he was shot by an arrow when he was fighting the barbarians for his kingdom and his people. Way more painful than the time he got all different kinds of cuts and bruises when he was fighting the ones who tried to kidnap his friend Na. Yes it was way more painful than all those times.
He could only hear the moans of the bastard who was on top of him;

Ha, ah you feel so good~ 
I want to stay inside of you forever~
Should I break your legs and make you stay here, then you- sss aah- can only wait for me to have you again and again like a personal slut of mine,who only knows how to spread their legs for me~

Apo was not feeling much pain anymore but what he felt was pure embarrassment. He never knew he could make sounds like that. It sounded like he was enjoying it but only Apo knew that he wasn't enjoying any of this. So why, why was his body not listening to him?
s-slow do-wn aah~
N-nno sstop!

You want me to slow down~? Beg me! Beg me like the slut you are~

G-go t-  he-hell!

Aahhh good~ good!  fucking you is the best decision I made tonight~
Damn I'm gonna cum!

Only the sounds of panting could be heard.
Vegas was proud that he made Porsche cum and he wanted to forget the fact that he actually drugged Porsche, that was the reason behind Porsche's body responding to him like that but like said, he wanted to ignore that part.
Usually Vegas would end it after one or two rounds when he does it with other boytoys of Kinn but this time he was still not satisfied after having Porsche for the fifth time already. He wanted more, it was like he really was addicted to the body of this new bodygourd and toy interest of Kinn.
He was preparing to have another round when he heard his bodyguard knocking the door.
He was furious, he told every single one of them to not disturb him having fun with his little guard but it seems like they really want to be tortured. He was mad until he heard his bodyguard telling him that his father has called him and asked him to come home as soon as possible.
It was 2 am or something so why was his father so keen on seeing him...
Dammit now he has to leave his little guard who was unconscious anyways and let go of the pleasure he was feeling with him.
He brought his face near to Porsche/Apo's ear to say;
"I have to go little one, but don't worry I'll make sure to make you my personal slut one way or another.
I was your first man and I'll make sure to be your last as well. Kinn will never be able to have you, and even if he does, I'll snatch you away from him.
You are mine and only mine to keep."

Apo couldn't hear any of this but he unknowingly whimpered and that made Vegas more proud. He will make sure to bring Porsche to his side. He never experienced more satisfaction than this time. He doesn't know if it was because he was raping Porsche, because he knew how much of a sadistic monster he was or it was something else but he was really satisfied with this new toy interest of Kinn so he'll make sure to have him again and again until he doesn't want him anymore.

Hi guys, hope you all started a beautiful year and I hope you all have a wonderful year for 2023.
I'm so sorry that I couldn't update this story earlier but it was Christmas then New year and I got a lot of guests so I didn't have time to continue writing this.
Anyways I hope you read this chapter cautiously because it contains triggering (r**e) scenes.
I hope ya'll enjoy reading this and I promise to update earlier next time. ❤

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