First Encounter

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Apo was getting ready to make sure the deal  with Israeli mafia that Kinn mentioned happens without any problem. He got the important information from Chan and Chan was not keen to let him forget how important this deal is. At first when Kinn said that Porsche will go alone from major family to make this deal, everyone was shocked and Khun Korn was also reluctant to agree but Kinn said he has to do so and even if Porsche makes a mistake they can still make the deal successful because unknown to Porsche, he will meet with Israeli mafia beforehand and lock the deal so at the end Porsche won't even meet with Israeli mafia but it will only be a kind of test for Porsche which he will definitely fail because that's what Kinn wants and then he will punish Porsche severely. Khun Korn was still confused and asked Kinn why can't he punish Porsche now as it is but Kinn said he needs more solid reason which actually confused Korn. Wasn't a bodyguard not being able to do his job properly enough reason for him to punish him? Kinn made sure to say that he still had his doubts and wants to confirm some things. Hearing that Korn didn't ask Kinn anything further and agreed but he said that he wanted good results from this deal and Kinn reassured him to do so.

Apo packed all his weapons that he needed, he knew how to use them because of Porsche's memories and with normal combats he was familiar anyways. Apo was a good fighter. Just because he was a crown prince didn't mean that he couldn't fight, he was one of the best close combat fighters and swordsman of his time, it's just that he didn't need to fight others himself because he always had people protecting him. But he was still one of the best because there were times when he had to fight alone, apart from competitions or ceremonies there was also quite few occasions where he showed his skills to some of his enemies. He still remembers the time when he was quite young and had to save one of his friends and the son of his nanny Na who was kidnapped by the barbarians. Apo saved Na and killed every single one of those who dared to touch even a single hair of Na and made sure to punish everyone related to that case so Na could know that now he was safe and no one would dare to even think of harming him.

It was a good time, he had all his people who he treasured around him. He wish he could go back to those times when he was able to save his important people and take care of them. The time before he .......

No he mustn't think about those times now, yes he made mistakes but he will turn everything back to how it was before everything went south. He will make sure to make up for his mistakes but for being able to do so he first needs to solve the problems of this Porsche guy who has more problematic life than him.

Ok so now he has to focus, he will go meet with the minor family head and go with them to the Israeli mafia to make sure they get the partnership with them for all the transfers and expansion of black money through all Thailand. He has to make sure this deal happens without any problem, because he'll be the only one from major family and he has to make sure to not ruin the image of them in front of the minor family and their future Israeli partners.

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Porsche arrived where he should meet the minor family according to what Chan told him at the last minute which surprised him too because he didn't know that he had to do this mission with the minor family together but Chan said it was a last minute decision of the boss.
He waited to meet the heir of the minor family. He noticed how everyone looked at him with displeasure in their eyes but he ignored it and waited there patiently.

"I can't believe I'm seeing you here alone Khun Pachara..."
he couldn't believe his eyes when he turned around to meet the heir of the house. He doesn't remember seeing this face in Porsche's memories. This face, how can he not remember this face. It was Bible. The Bible Wichapas Sumettikul, his cousin from his mother's side, the young Duke Sumettikul. And the one he called his beloved.

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