Punishment (part 1)

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Porsche/Apo was back in major family house and he was right, they were all standing there ready to punish him.
He was surprised because he knew a lot of faces there, faces that belonged to people from his own world. He didn't let them know by being surprised, he knew he had to act like he knew all of them so he did so.
There was a face he could never forget, a tall figure with charismatic face. It was the same with his own world, the son of his father's right hand lord, Duke Ramsathong. It was Mile Phakphum Ramsathong's lookalike and if he remembers correctly he is here Porsche's master or boss Kinn Anakin Theerapanyakul so he tried to behave infront of him but this guy was super angry and Apo kind of got it why but still it was a bit too much for him to handle because he can never forget that he's actually a Prince and not some Knight or bodyguard now.
Well he went to apologise to his or Porsche's boss but he didn't expected the other guards to come and hold him down until his face was touching the ground.

Where the heck were you Porsche?,
You dare to leave your duty behind and disappear. You didn't even answer our calls nor did you reply to our messages. Do you know how much of a big mistake you did and what kind of punishment you can get?
Sighhhhhh where were you the whole night Porsche?

I...I was at home Khun Kinn. I got a message that my brother was sick so I went to him without thinking of any consequence. I- I am very sorry sir.

To say Kinn was surprised was an understatement. The Porsche who never respected him called him with Khun and he was saying sorry with a tone Kinn never heard before.
Kinn wanted to ask many questions, he saw in CCTV that some masked people took Porsche away from the hotel's washroom. He was worried for him all night long so why was Porsche lying now?. He was drugged and was kidnapped for the whole night and Kinn was searching for him the whole night but now he says that he was at home?, NO there is something going on but Kinn can't ask him too much questions here in front of everyone. He has to punish Porsche like any other bodyguard who didn't do their job properly. That's what his father wants from him so that's what he'll do.
He straightend his posture and hid all his feelings behind his usual mask.

You didn't do your job properly Porsche and went missing while being at work without telling anoyone, we had to stop or delay other important works because we were trying to find you. That was really irresponsible of you and we won't tolerate this kind of behaviour of any of our staff so you should get punished.

Kinn thought that Porsche will try to oppose him and argue with him like he always does but he stayed like that and nodded as a sign that he accepts any kind of punishment because he deserves it. This kind of made Kinn angrier and he ordered Ken and Big to take Porsche to the training/punishing room. They took Porsche but they handled him in a very violent way but Porsche went with them without any protest which confused Kinn more but he decided to concentrate on his anger not confusion.

Here you will get punished for being a careless bodygourd.
You're really dumb bro, our guard dogs are smarter than you...hahaha

If I didn't say anything to you both earlier, it doesn't mean you can blabber whatever you want. Know your places. I am ready for my punishment but if I hear extra words from you both then I may be punished extra and the reason will be beating the shit out of both of you.

What the fuck did you say?

Ken! What's going on here? why didn't you begin with his punishment? Should I give you extra orders to do so?

We're sorry Khun Kinn, Come on Porsche take off whatever you're wearing on top and try to-

I'm not taking anything off!

What? what did you say?

I said I will not take anything off, you can punish me while I'm wearing my clothes.

I thought you were ready for any punishment, did I understand something wrong Porsche?

No Khun Kinn, I am ready to be punished but I don't want to take off any of my clothes. I hope it's understandable.

. . . So you are ready to be punished as long as you don't take your clothes off?. Good then, let's change your punishment for now.
Come to my room later to know what kind of punishment you will get.

. . . I will do as you said Khun Kinn.

Kinn went out of the training room. Porsche got ready to go away when Big grabbed him to stop him.

What do you think you're doing Porsche?


How Porsche looked at Big and how he spoke was kind of new to Big. Of course he fought a lot with Porsche verbally but he never got scared of Porsche and this time Porsche was kind of different. He kind of scared Big and he couldn't even notice that he was scared. Big was speechless for a second and when he was about to say something, Porsche just went away.

                                       * * *

Apo was behind the door of Kinn's room and was still thinking what kind of punishment will he get.
He knew there was some kind of tension between Porsche and Kinn but he needed to ignore that, he also wanted to ignore the fact that he saw Porsche and Kinn kissing in one of Porsche's memories. They really had some kind of complicated relationship maybe...
Anyways he knocked the door and heard Kinn's voice telling him to come in. He went inside and was still not comfortable facing Kinn so he tried his best to not make any eye contact with Kinn.

You are here Porsche.(sighhhhhh) Let's see, will you tell me what really happened that night or will you still continue to lie to me?

I was telling the truth Khun Kinn, I was with my-

I called your brother Porsche and he was completely fine and was also on a school trip so he was not at home,  now tell me where you were and what happened?

Khun Kinn I think I already gave my statement. You asking the same question continuously will not change my answer. I can still prove to everyone that what I said was the truth and I'm here to get punished so I'll be really thankful if you tell me what my punishment is supposed to be.

Only Kinn ķnew how angry he was after hearing what Porsche said.
Kinn always bickered with Porsche but it was because he kind of liked how different Porsche was compared to others here in his world, he was naive and a good hearted person who didn't know anything about duality and being two faced. He was a simple guy and would do things according to what he feels not calculating every move like many others do here in Kinn's world. So what happened now?, why did Porsche sound like a very calculative person who can actually do everything in a very strategic way now?, why does it look like he really is hiding what he really wants to hide?, why is he so calm on the outside and still has fire in his eyes?...
Who is this guy?, Is he really the Porsche he got to know?, what happened last night that changed Porsche so much?...
Kinn had many questions but was too angry to ask any of them because he knew he wouldn't get any answer from THIS Porsche at this time.

Ok, good. So you want to save my time huh?, Fine. I want you to make a deal for us with our Israeli costumers, you will get all the information from Chan but what makes it a punishment is that you have to take care of this deal all alone and you are NOT allowed to make any mistake, you HAVE TO win this deal. If because of any reason you lose the deal then it will be the end of you and your brother. Hope you got what I mean.
You can go now, as I said you'll get the details tomorrow from Chan.
You can go now.

Porsche nodded and bowed before going out of the room and that when Kinn knew that this guy can NOT be Porsche!
Something is definitely going on or else it's impossible for Porsche to stay put while someone threatens his brother.
If he's not Porsche then who is he and where is Porsche?
Kinn will find out! Yes he'll definitely find out.

Hi dear loves, here is another chapter of this fanfic/story. Yes I know, I know, I'm late but I apologise. i can only write during free days and since 2023 I don't have that many free days so I hope you all understand.
Plz share your thoughts with me via comments and love you all.

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