Chapter 17 - The Southern Isles

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Anna and I stood on the ship, leaning on the railing and watching the sea. The waves crashed on the cliffs of the islands, and on the nearest cliff the wind sprayed light water in our faces, making Anna laugh. Her cheeks were pink and her eyes sparkled. Her hair was down, flying in the wind. I rested my head on my hands and asked her, "Are you freezing?"
"Nah. Maybe a little," Anna said, fixing her dark blue cloak lined with fur, that reminded of Jack's hoodie...and hair....
"Shouldn't you be warm because you never feel the cold?" Anna asked and looked at my cloak and dress, both thick and covering.
"I feel the cold, it's just that it doesn't bother me."
Anna gave me a questioning look and I straightened up.
"Okay. Let me explain. You can feel the cold, right? It can sometimes be refreshing, nice when it's hot..."
"Mm-hm," Anna said and nodded.
"I feel the cold, of course. And it's wonderful."
Just like Jack....
"It can sometimes be a bit uncomfortable, like you are feeling cozy and you don't want it to be cold, but the cold doesn't bother you. The cold doesn't make me go numb, or it doesn't hurt me. And often I love it."
" like warmth too, right?"
"Of course," I laughed, "Warm hugs!"
Anna laughed and hugged me. In the same moment the ship rocked a bit to the side, making me jump back in terror.
Anna exploded of laughter, and I joined her. I noticed a sailor nearby who stared at us. That just made me laugh even more.

"Your majesties," said Kai, who was going with us as an informatory and helper. "We're about to dock at the Southern Isles main island in order to get supplies."
Our laughter faded away, and Anna looked away, falling deep in thoughts. "Ehm...of course, for how long?" I asked Kai.
"About half an hour. I'm sorry to bother you, ma'am."
"It's okay. Thank you," I said and Kai walked away. I turned to Anna.
"Anna? Are you okay?"
Anna looked up at me and nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just..." She leaned over the railing.
"Hans?" I asked and she nodded again. "I'm sure it's safe, Anna...We are at the other side of his country, and he would never be allowed near us."
"Yes, we could even go off the ship if we wanted to," Anna smiled.
"Yeah..." I said and looked at the glimmering sea.
"You want to? Seriously?" Anna raised her eyebrows.
"Maaaybe...." I said and Anna crossed her arms.
"Okay. Go ahead. I won't judge...." She said and I frowned.
"I just don't feel safe on the ship, okay?" I laughed.
"Okay, I get it!" Anna exclaimed. "But I won't join you..." She said teasingly.
"You don't need to. Yeah, I can do it on my own because I'm so brave, and..."
"Oh, stop it, show me then."
"All right." I shrugged and simply walked away.

After five days of being at sea, I found it really nice to stretch my legs a little. I had sat a while next to a fountain, and decided I would look at the market place before I returned. They were selling fish, vegetables and bread in the stuffed alley of stands. People rushed around, talking and shouting. I loved this place, it was so full of life. I was going to buy pies for Anna and me when a familiar voice made me turn around.
"Queen Elsa, are you here," Hans sneered.
"I can ask the same thing to you," I answered shocked.
"I'm here on a special mission. Private."
"...How come?"
"King's orders," Hans sighed, "It's my sentence. Very important, dangerous mission."
"And if you refuse...or fail?" I asked. Hans gulped.
"Death," he answered, his voice slightly cracking.
There was a silence for a moment. Then Hans said, "What about you? Your sentence?"
"What? I don't understand.."
"We both know you're the worst. I tried to kill two...You succeeded to kill two."
For a moment I stood there, wondering, until the memories hit me with a force so strong I stumbled backwards.
The Duke's henchmen. I killed them. And Hans tried to stop me. He tried to stop me from killing them.
"And what happened to your snow-monster, Elsa...?" Hans smirked as I turned away. I ran against the ship in panic, as Hans shouted, "You are the real monster!"

I woke up in terror, looking around the small wooden cabin. The door opened with a bang and Anna came in.
I panted heavily and she sat down on the bed and embraced me. "Shh, shh, it's was just a dream..." She soothed as I broke into heavy sobs. The ship rocked uncomfortably and I saw a storm outside through the window.
"I h..hate this ship.." I cried.
"I know...I'm glad we aren't at the Southern Isles anymore, at least. Even if it went okay, but well..."
We were at the Southern Isles? Then I remembered going onboard the ship, and telling Anna that I was worried about the ship when she asked if I was okay...I didn't dream about Hans. It was all memories haunting me in my sleep.
I cried even more, Anna stroking my hair. I always forgot so much. Like Anna, Kristoff, Rapunzel and Jack - Amnesia.

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